Same Sex Adoption

For most states, same-sex adoption is made legal case by case by a judge. There are 16 states however that definitely allow same-sex adoption. Some states allow second parent adoption (when one person adopts the child of his partner). There are only two states where same-sex adoption is illegal by law: Mississippi and Utah. Ohio specifically allows single LGBT individuals to petition to adopt, but does not allow a same-sex couple to jointly petition to adopt or second parent adoption. This is surprising considering the shortage of adoptive parents nationwide. According to a study by Rachel Farr of the University of Virginia, same-sex couples are more likely to adopt trans-racially compared to heterosexual couples. Therefore, it only makes sense to allow same-sex couples to ability to adopt nationwide because not only will the number of parents wishing to adopt increase, but more minority children will also be adopted.

4 thoughts on “Same Sex Adoption

  1. I completely agree. It’s wrong that same-sex couples are not given the same rights to adopt as heterosexual couples. It’s especially disheartening when you consider that the most recent research indicates that a child is not at a disadvantage if he or she is raised by same-sex parents. As you point out, removing restrictions on these couples would definitely better the quality of life many children who are stuck in foster care or orphanages.

  2. I agree as well. I actually didn’t even know that a law was in place that prohibited adoption of a child by a same-sex couple in certain states in the US. It makes no sense to me, because like you mentioned, adoption would only serve to benefit both parties. That is, the adopted child would have a family to take care of him/her, and the parents could experience the joys of raising a child. If it’s a win/win situation, how does it make sense for the government to declare adoption illegal in these states simply based on whether the parents are heterosexual or homosexual?

  3. I think that there are much more benefits to same sex adoption than there could ever be disadvantages. Why limit the type of people who can adopt due to prejudice when the number of kids who need a home is constantly increasing? I think that having a law allowing the ability for same sex couples to adopt in all states of the US would help so many kids and would have a lasting effect on our country to being more accepting of other sexual orientations.

  4. I find it really interesting that Ohio only allows single LGBT individuals to petition to adopt, but does not allow a same-sex couple to jointly petition. Studies have shown that children with two parents whether they have heterosexual parents or homosexual parents are better off because the duties associated with raising a child are split. Look at the single LGBT parent example. In order to raise the child and fulfill all of its needs the parent is going to need to work. This means that the parent is probably going to have to invest in things like after school programs, etc. I don’t mean to say that single parents do a bad job of raising children or should’t be able to adopt.

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