David Chalmers and Consciousness

In his ted talk, I found the first theory Chalmers used to explain Consciousness to be very interesting. That consciousness is fundamental  and that it can’t be explained in terms of anything more basic and that any beliefs or ideas from their are simply built upon it just as anything relating to time or space can only be built upon them. I think it needs to be viewed this way because any of the studies done in this area have all associated some other variable with consciousness. And even the idea of one having a conscious is debated by some. No evidence for consciousness even exists in the physical world and when we try to find evidence all we find is more unanswered phenomena, Chalmers first theory therefore seems to make a lot of sense.

3 thoughts on “David Chalmers and Consciousness

  1. I agree with you. It seems like our technology today can go no further in the research of consciousness. As we discussed in class, if we accept this view, all the researchers now working on consciousness theories could dedicate their time to something potentially more productive.

  2. I also think that this explanation of consciousness by Chalmers was very intriguing. I also think that he is quick to say this, given that research in the area of consciousness is very new, and new discoveries are being made all the time. For something as complicated as consciousness, researchers need time to delve into different areas of the brain that simply have not been explored yet. Even so, I don’t see this idea as implausible.

  3. I don’t think that research into human consciousness will ever end, so I would not necessary go to the extreme of saying technology cannot go any further into the research of human consciousness. I think science has shocked everyone throughout the years and that the impossible has been made possible in many cases. Just because something has not been done yet, does not mean it cannot ever be done. True, it may seem impossible, but we can never know until its proven to be possible.

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