IA Event #2.2: IA Book Club Meeting (Academic)

IA Book Club Meeting

Done on October 26, 2021 @ 6pm

My IA event for this month was going to the second official IA book club meeting ran by Fatoumata Bah. The meeting was in person in Hagerty Hall, and the book we are reading this month is called The Disaster Tourist by Yun Ko-Eun and translated by Lizzie Buehler. The book is broadly about a Korean woman who works for a disaster tour company and almost quits her job but is instead offered an all- expenses paid trip using one of their packages to one of their destinations. She chooses to go on a sinkhole disaster trip to an island called Mui near Vietnam and accidentally gets stuck there without her passport, wallet, or anyway home and has to figure out what to do. At the meeting we discussed the main character’s background and how that might play into some of the motivations for her actions in the book so far.

Im very interested in this book so far. We are about half way through and it seems to be picking up the pace very quickly in this disaster scenario that our protagonist has found herself in. This even relates to IA because it both deals with other nations and cultures, and is run by a member of IA herself.

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