Thursday July 30, 2015
Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
2001 Fyffe Ct. Columbus, OH 43210
If you missed the opportunity to evaluate our plants during Cultivate 15, do not miss this second chance to evaluate plants responses to a very rainy spring and summer.
10:00 AM: Presentation about the trials
10:30 AM: Tour Cultivar Trials, in Ground & Containers
12:00 Noon: Box lunch
1:00 to 3:30 PM: Presentations by three speakers:
- Bob Croft (Sakata)
- Pamela Bennett (OSU Extension)
- Michelle Jones (OSU/OARDC, Wooster)
OCNT, Landscape Industry Certified, and pesticide credits will be available.
Cost: $15 (before July 11) or $18 (after July 11). This will cover the cost of the box lunch, refreshments, parking permit, and handouts. Send a check payable to The Ohio State University, attention Claudio Pasian, at the address listed above and call Dr. Pasian at 614-292-9941 indicating the number of participants.
The OSU Cultivar Trials are partially supported with a generous donation from: Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association and AmericanHort
With your car, come first to the turnaround of Fyffe Court (in front of the main entrance of Howlett Hall) and someone there will give you the parking permit. Proceed then to park your car and come to 103 Kottman Hall.
For more information, please contact Dr. Claudio Pasian: