Greenhouse Conference Scheduled for March 6 in Toledo

The annual “winter” greenhouse conference held in Toledo has now been rescheduled for March 6 at the Toledo Botanical Gardens!  We are hoping that the winter weather has departed by then – and growers from NW Ohio and other parts are able to freely travel and attend!

The agenda includes the following topics:

9:00-12:00     Marketing and Management Topics

9:00        New plants and products for 2014 – Mark Evans, Eason Horticultural Resources

9:45         Facebook and other social media tools—Brenda Haas,

10:30       Price and promotions idea exchange – Sue Wolf, Wolf’s Blooms and Berries

11:30       Marketing Opportunities with Groupon – Jill Bench, Bench’s Greenhouse

12:00             Lunch and Networking

1:00-3:00       Production Tools and Trends

1:00      Weed control and USDA Updates – James Altland and Jennifer Boldt, USDA-ARS                                                                     

2:00      Wind Technology – Tom Monagan, Wind Turbines Global

2:20       Electric and Natural Gas Trends – Anne Schenk & Matt Bollinger, Palmer Energy

2:40       Food safety updates for GH vegetable production


A complete agenda along with registration information can be found here: 2014 Toledo area Greenhouse Conference