Dear 4-H Families, Volunteers and Supporters:
As you may be aware, The Ohio State University has announced the suspension of face-to-face instruction and the move to virtual instruction effective immediately through April 20, 2020.There will be evaluation whether they should continue in person beyond this time. Our primary concern is for the health and safety of all our people. Virtual meetings are encouraged.
Based on these guidelines, all 4-H Clubs must postpone/cancel all face-to-face meetings between now and April 20, 2020. The 4-H Enrollment deadline will be changed to May 1, 2020. In addition to all 4-H club meetings, the following list of 4-H events qualify as non-essential between now and April 20. Based on these guidelines, these non-essential activities must be postponed/ cancelled/ or held virtually. Examples include (this list is not exhaustive and subject to change at any notice):
- 4-H committees, including advisory, saddle horse, endowment, etc.
- Club kick-offs, open houses, etc.
- Community service projects
- Educational clinics
- Events put on by advisory or county committees or clubs, including fundraisers
- Fundraisers
- Social events (egg hunts, square dances)
- Teen leader groups
NOTE: Senior Fair Board will need to make the determination for fair-related committees.
One of the best ways to prevent the spread of viral illnesses is to minimize the circumstances in which individuals might interact and transmit the diseases. The safety of our community is our top priority. We realize that our COVID-19 policy guidelines will cause disruption, but the risk of not acting outweighs the inconvenience of these temporary measures. We will share updates as more information becomes available.
Please read through the following date changes and mark your calendar accordingly.
Schedule changes for the next 4 weeks:
4-H Enrollment Deadline will be Extended to May 1, 2020.
- All 4-H Club Meetings, Field Trips, and committee meetings.
- 4-H Leadership Night, Mar 12
- Swine Educational Clinic- Mar 29
- Rabbit QA – Apr 4
- Ambassadors Meetings 6:00pm Mondays
- 4-H Camp Counselor Meetings for Mar 23, Mar 30, April 13
- 4-H Endowment Board, Mar 16
- 4-H Council, Mar 16
- Scholarship Interviews, Mar 18
The best way to reach us is via email:
Heather Gottke, 4-H Educator,
Rachel Hoverman, 4-H Program Coordinator,