
Gonzalo E. Constante-Flores


Welcome! I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The Ohio State University under the advice of Prof. Antonio Conejo.  My research focuses on the intersection of power and energy systems, optimization, and machine learning. I am currently working on solution approaches based on convex programming for addressing the AC network-constrained stochastic unit commitment problem considering gas constraints and large-scale power systems.



Office:  Room 349, Caldwell Laboratory

Phone:  +1 614 816 6649

Email:  constanteflores.1@osu.edu


News and Events

  • Oct. 14, 2021: Accepted! Our paper: G. Constante-Flores, A. Conejo, J.K. Wang, “Stealthy Monitoring Control Attacks to Disrupt PowerSystem Operations” has been accepted for publication in Electric Power Systems Research.
  • Oct. 10, 2021: Accepted! Our paper: G. Constante-Flores, A. Conejo, Feng Qiu, “AC Network-Constrained Unit Commitment via Relax-ation and Decomposition” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
  • Jun. 15, 2021: Accepted! Our paper: G. Constante-Flores, A. Conejo, Feng Qiu, “AC Network-Constrained Unit Commitment via ConicRelaxation and Convex Programming” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems.
  • Mar. 9, 2019: Accepted! Our paper: G. Constante, J. Abillama, M. Illindala, and J.K. Wang, “Conservation Voltage Reduction of Networked Microgrids” has been accepted for publication in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. [Manuscript]
  • Jan. 28, 2019:  Submitted. We submitted our revised paper: G. E. Constante, J. Abillama, M. Illindala, and J.K. Wang, “Conservation Voltage Reduction of Networked Microgrids”.
  • Sep 7, 2018: Presented our paper:  G. E. Constante, and Jiankang Wang, “Hierarchical Mechanism of Voltage Instability with Active Distribution Networks” at  2018 Clemson University Power Conference.
  • Aug. 23, 2018: Accepted! Our paper: G. E. Constante and M. S. Illindala, “Data-Driven Probabilistic Power Flow Analysis for a Distribution System With Renewable Energy Sources Using Monte Carlo Simulation” has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. [Manuscript]
  • Aug, 21, 2018:  I started my Ph.D. in ECE at OSU!
  • Jul. 13, 2018:  Successfully passed my Master’s oral examination!
  • Jun. 15, 2018:  Presented the paper: Ziran Gao, Danielle Meyer, Jiankang Wang, “Visualizing the Impact of PEV Charging on the Power Grid” at ITEC 2018.