

In the map above, the green in Israel is the land that represents Palestine. As you can see, it’s not very much but yet it still boasts nearly 1.5 million Palestinians. Palestine in Arabic is فلسطين, pronounced like Falesteen. The Palestinian People are a strong people. We have that reputation not only among ourselves, but also among the rest of the Middle East. It is running joke that you never want to fight with a Palestinian woman, because her strength and wrath is worse than that of 10 men. Along with being the strongest, we are also considered of the most hospitable. This is something that all of my cousins and I have noticed through our interactions with Americans and people of other Arab nationalities. We are kind, insisting, and persistent. If you stop by our house, you won’t be allowed to leave until you are bursting at the seams with food, tea, and sweets. Our hospitality is a standing sign of our nationalistic pride. The only other thing that brings us as much joy is the Palestinian Dabke, but you’ll read about that on another page. Below are two images of the Palestinian flag. To learn a little bit more about the part of Palestine that my cousins and I are from, please click on the link below.

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Palestine ICC: decisive information in this August 9, 2014