
Apples are transported by two ways, including ocean cargo and air cargo. Although ocean cargo takes much longer to reach the location, its costs considerably less. Ocean cargo is attractive due to its low cost and feasibility. The choice of which transportation method to use depends on mainly the fragility and freshness life span of the apples. Also, ocean cargo is not taxed making transportation by sea even more attractive. Cargo Ship- Transportation

As stated above, ocean cargo is not taxed. Due to the lack of taxation, a huge environmental issue is erupting throughout the world. One of the main environmental issues occurring due to transportation is pollution (Rosenthal). Many large international freights are exhausting large amounts of carbon dioxide causing the fear of global warming to heighten to more and more environmentalists and politicians. Many of these environmentalists and politicians believe it is time for these international freights to pay for the pollution they are causing. Politicians believe that these freights should start to be taxed to pay for the environmental damage they are causing (Rosenthal).

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