Our Commodity Chain Map describes all of the different colored regions and where exports are sent. Also, United states is listed because they are a large consumer of apples, but not Australian apples. Using a screenshot removes the information bubbles for each area and apple consumer, so our link is also provided. Our website link to this screen shot is : https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zKaMeXmpphHQ.kuF5TrsfaRLs
Our second map shows the processes of a specific company in Australia called GV Independent Packers. In this map we are showing where the manufacturing process, distribution, transportation, and delivery of this specific company happens. In the map we also located that in the places where the apples are delivered the consumption and disposal would be happening from there because the apples would be sent to grocery stores and markets and then to homes where consumption and disposal takes place. Here is the link where you can better understand each point and line we have on our map. The green points and lines show where international distribution, consumption, and disposal is happening. The blue indicates where domestic delivery, consumption, and disposal happen. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zKaMeXmpphHQ.kJry_rKJ6tIo