In December 2012 Dahamani Bukari, or Jeremiah to the Knowlton School of Architecture community, passed away unexpectedly. He was the head planner of the Offinso North District of Ghana and has played a vital role in the KSA’s Ghana Sustainable Change program.
The KSA first met Jeremiah in 2010 when he travelled from Ghana to Columbus to plan a long-term collaboration between Offinso North and the students and faculty of Ohio State. From that first meeting, Jeremiah became one of the biggest advocates of the Ghana Sustainable Change studio and study abroad program. Working with Professor Charisma Acey and Jamie Greene of the City and Regional Planning Section, he helped to bring two groups of OSU students to Ghana to implement development projects: in the spring of 2011 and the summer of 2012. The consummate planner, Jeremiah ensured not only that all “i’s were dotted and t’s crossed” in the documents necessary to bring the OSU contingent to Ghana, but that the staff and communities on both sides of the Atlantic were informed and enthusiastic about the program.
For students that knew Jeremiah, he was a mentor that cared deeply for them. He was not just a fellow planner, but a teacher, a student, and a friend. Jeremiah, along with his wife Grace and their five children are a wonderful family who made all who traveled to the Offinso North District feel at home. Though we cannot hope to repay the kindness they have all shown us, we can express our deepest condolences and support. If you’d like to make a donation to the Jeremiah’s family please contact Joe Campbell at