North Dakota bound….

Time for a photo-dump from some recent trips up to Jamestown, North Dakota to sample prairie pothole lakes. We’re collecting sediment cores from a number of lakes at the USGS Cottonwood lakes site to investigate how elevated concentrations of carbon and sulfur species affect methane dynamics. Paula Dalcin Martins is the main researcher on this project.

2015-03-09 12.01.02 2015-03-09 12.02.12 2015-03-09 12.19.22 2015-03-09 12.31.07 2015-03-09 12.37.26 2015-03-11 10.39.43 2015-05-20 09.22.48 DSC02867 DSC02871 DSC02883 DSC02886 DSC02891