In order for strawberries to end up on the shelves of any store, there are several standards and intermediate steps that must be met by the strawberries. There are three common things that each batch of strawberries must pass. First, there is a grower liability insurance requirement. In order for a store to sell the strawberries, the farmer must have the proper insurance to make sure that if anything were to happen to a customer due to the strawberries, the store would not be at fault. Second, there are several federal Produce Laws that must be maintained while selling any produce including the strawberries. Finally, as mentioned previously, there are grading and inspection standards that have to be met to allow the strawberries to be sold in the store. If the batch of strawberries meet all of these requirements, they are placed on the shelf for the consumer to purchase.
Strawberries have a social impact through marketing. Commercials, billboards, and in-store sale signs all affect people in one way or another. Commercials and billboards advertise grocery store’s produce such as strawberries which could lead a viewer to remember to get strawberries when they go to that store. Also, when sale prices for strawberries are advertised, people are much more likely to buy them as they believe they are getting a good deal by paying less than retail price. The more people buy strawberries due to these advertisements, the more likely they are to purchase them on a regular basis as it becomes a habit.
i had a strawberry for breakfast today