Papers and Publications

Current Working Papers:

Victoria Gurevich and Christopher Gelpi. 2022. “What’s Mine is (Not) Yours: Perceptions and Politics of Violent Extremism.” Currently Under Review.

Nazli Avdan, Andrew Rosenberg, and Christopher Gelpi. 2021. “Where There is a Will There is a Way: Border Walls and Refugees” Paper originally prepared for the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, September 2020. Currently Under Review

Christopher Gelpi, Elias Assaf, and Victoria Gurevich. 2021. “Trump’s Taboos: Elite Rhetoric and the Normative Foundations of American Grand Strategy.” Paper originally prepared for the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, September 2017. Currently Under Review

Andrew Rosenberg, William Minozzi, Elias Assaf, and Christopher Gelpi. 2019. “Man, the State, and War: An Experimental Approach.” Paper prepared for the International Studies Association Annual Meeting. San Franscisco CA, April 2018. Currently Under Revision

Christopher Gelpi, Kara Hooser, and Kristine Kay. 2018. “Opting Out in 2012: Military Casualties, Vote Choice, and Voter Turnout in Obama’s Bid for Reelection.” Currently Under Revision


Selected Publications:

Daniel Silverman, Daniel Kent, and Christopher Gelpi. 2021. “Public Fears of Terrorism, Partisan Rhetoric, and the Foundations of American Interventionism.Journal of Conflict Resolution July 2021

Christopher Gelpi. 2017. “Democracies in Conflict: The Role of Public Opinion, Political Parties, and the Press in Shaping Security Policy.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. (Forthcoming).GelpiJCR60th-1vaguwb

Nazli Avdan and Christopher Gelpi. 2017. “Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors? State Border Characteristics and the Transnational Flow of Terrorist Violence.” International Studies Quarterly. March 2017.

Christopher Gelpi. 2016. “The Surprising Robustness of Surprising Events: A Response to a Critique of ‘Performing on Cue’.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. (Forthcoming).

Christopher Gelpi and Nazli Avdan. 2016. “Democracies at Risk? A Forecasting Analysis of Regime Type and the Risk of Terrorist Attack.” Conflict Management and Peace Science. (Forthcoming).

Libby Jenke and Christopher Gelpi. 2016. “Theme and Variations: Historical Contingencies in the Causal Model of Inter-State Conflict.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. January 2016.

Scott Sigmund Gartner and Christopher Gelpi. 2015. “The Affect and Effect of Images of Success and Failure in War on Public Opinion.” International Interactions. January 2016.

Christopher Gelpi and Joseph Grieco. 2015. “Competency Costs in Foreign Affairs: Presidential Performance in International Conflicts and Domestic Legislative Success, 1952-2001.” American Journal of Political Science. April 2015.

Christopher Gelpi, Laura Roselle, and Brooke Barnett. 2012. “Polarizing Patriots: Divergent Responses to Patriotic Imagery in News Coverage of Terrorism.” American Behavioral Scientist.  January 2013..

Joseph Grieco, Christopher Gelpi, Jason Reifler, and Peter Feaver. 2011. “Let’s Get a Second Opinion: International Institutions and American Public Support for War.” International Studies Quarterly. June 2011.

Christopher Gelpi. 2010. “Performing On Cue? The Formation of Public Opinion Toward War.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. February 2010.

Christopher Gelpi, Peter D. Feaver, and Jason Reifler. 2009. Paying the Human Costs of War: American Public Opinion and Casualties in Military Conflicts. (Princeton: Princeton University Press).

Joseph Grieco, Christopher Gelpi and Camber Warren. 2009. “When Preferences and Commitments Collide: The Effect of Relative Partisan Shifts on International Treaty Compliance.” International Organization. March 2009.

Christopher Gelpi and Joseph Grieco. 2008. “Democracy, Trade and the Nature of the Liberal Peace.” Journal of Peace Research. January 2008.

Christopher Gelpi, Jason Reifler, and Peter D. Feaver. 2007. “Iraq the Vote: Retrospective and Prospective Foreign Policy Judgments, Candidate Choice, and Casualty Tolerance.” Political Behavior. June 2007.

Christopher Gelpi and Jason Reifler. 2007. “Success Still Matters: A Reply to Berinsky and Druckman.” Public Opinion Quarterly. Fall 2007.

Christopher Gelpi. “The Costs of War: How Many Casualties Will Americans Tolerate?” 2006. Foreign Affairs.January/Februrary 2006.

John Aldrich, Peter D. Feaver, Christopher Gelpi, Jason Reifler, and Kristen Sharp. 2006. “Foreign Policy and the Electoral Connection.” Annual Review of Political Science. June 2006.

Christopher Gelpi, Peter D. Feaver, and Jason Reifler. 2005/2006. “Success Matters: Casualty Sensitivity and the War in Iraq.” International Security. Winter 2005/2006.

Peter D. Feaver and Christopher Gelpi. 2004. Choosing Your Battles: American Civil-Military Relations and the Use of Force. (Princeton: Princeton University Press).

Scott DeMarchi, Christopher Gelpi, and Jeffery Grynaviski. 2004. “Untangling Neural Nets.” American Political Science Review. June 2004.

Christopher Gelpi. 2003. The Power of Legitimacy: The Role of Norms in Crisis Bargaining. (Princeton: Princeton University Press).

Christopher Gelpi and Peter Feaver. 2002. “Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick? Veterans in the Policy Making Elite and the American Use of Force.” American Political Science Review, December 2002.

Christopher Gelpi and Joseph Grieco. 2001. “Attracting Trouble: Democracy, Leadership Tenure, and the Targeting of Militarized Challenges. Journal of Conflict Resolution, December 2001.

Christopher Gelpi and Michael Griesdorf. 2001. “Winners or Losers? Democracies in International Crises”American Political Science Review, September 2001.

Christopher Gelpi. 1999. “Alliances as Instruments of Intra-Allied Control,” in Haftendorn, Keohane, and Wallander eds., Imperfect Unions: Security Institutions Over Time and Space, (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Christopher Gelpi. 1997. “Crime and Punishment: The Role of Norms in Crisis Bargaining.” American Political Science Review, June 1997.

Christopher Gelpi. 1997. “Democratic Diversions: Governmental Structure and the Externalization of Domestic Conflict.” Journal of Conflict Resolution, April 1997.

David Rousseau, Christopher Gelpi, Dan Reiter, and Paul Huth. 1996. “Assessing the Dyadic Nature of the Democratic Peace, 1918-1988.” American Political Science Review, September 1996.

Paul Huth, Christopher Gelpi, and D. Scott Bennett. 1993. “The Escalation of Great Power Militarized Disputes: Testing Deterrence Theory and Structural Realism.” American Political Science Review, September 1993.