Trump Fails to Persuade the Public to Support New Grand Strategy
Here is a bit of my research – co-authored with Eli Assaf – on Trump’s difficulties in persuading the American public to change America’s role in the world.
Donald Trump wants to change U.S. nuclear policy. Most Americans aren’t persuaded.
Party Trumped Policy in the 2016 Election
Here is my 2 cents on foreign policy and its role in the 2016 election:
The Need to “Militarize” our Police
Here is a very interesting piece on the important role of training in the military’s ability to comply with rules of engagement and the legal obligations of using force, as well as the implications of this role for police training in this country.
Trump not alone in “remembering” his opposition to the Iraq War
Here are some interesting survey data suggesting that Donald Trump is not alone in erroneously remembering that he was opposed to the Iraq War from its beginning. Interestingly, however, it is primarily Democrats rather than Republicans who seem to be more likely to mis-remember their pre-War attitudes toward Iraq. More than half of Democrats supported the war before it began, but less than 20% will admit to that fact now. Perhaps their wishful thinking explains some of the difficulty that Hillary had in uniting Democrats behind her candidacy. And by the way … I actually was on record against the war before it began!
Job Market Advice
For graduate students getting ready to try the job market this fall, here is some sage advice from Amanda Murdie:
Retired Generals Are People Too!
Both the RNC and the DNC put retired military officers prominently on display. While most observers worry about the engagement of retired officers in partisan politics, check out Duck of Minerva for my take on why we should welcome then to the fray!