Graduate Advisor Workshop 2019 – June 1-2, 2019 @ OSU

The schedule is here. We gratefully acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation, the Ohio State Mathematics Research Institute, the Indiana University Mathematics Journal, and the Erdős Institute.


Visiting panelists:

Benjamin Braun from University of Kentucky,
Founder and editor of the AMS “On Teaching and Learning” Blog, including Advice for New Doctoral Advisors;

Angela Gibney from Rutgers University,
Associate editor in charge of the new Early Career Section of the AMS Notices;

Phil Kutzko from University of Iowa,
Director of the National Alliance for graduate studies in the Mathematical Sciences;

Fadil Santosa from University of Minnesota,
Director of the Institute for Mathematics and its Application 2008-2017.

Panelists from Ohio State and the Columbus area:

Janet Best (Mathematics Department, Mathematical Biosciences Institute),

María Angélica Cueto (Mathematics Department)

Roman Holowinsky (Mathematics Department, Erdos Institute, STEAM Factory),

Matt Kahle (Mathematics Department),

C. Davis Buenger (JP Morgan Chase, Ohio State Mathematics Alumnus)

Ohio State Organizers:

María Angélica Cueto, Dave Penneys , Krystal Taylor, and Daniel Thompson.

This workshop is the third iterate of a workshop in 2017 on graduate advising run by Moon Duchin and Sarah Koch at the University of Michigan and a workshop in 2015 on graduate advising run by Moon Duchin and Larry Guth at Tufts University. Thanks to them for sharing their ideas and materials to help design this one.