Over the first semester of college, I have become more aware of my personality type. During one of my STEM EE Scholars classes, our task was to take a test to figure out what type of personality we were. After taking the test I discovered that I am an INTJ. After reading my results, I found that my personality type almost perfectly matched who I am. INTJ strengths are their imagination and strategic mind, self confidence, independence and decisiveness, determination, open-mindedness, and their ability to learn new skills quickly and easily. INTJ weaknesses are their arrogance, judgement towards others due to over confidence, over analyzation (especially in relationships), and their loath for highly structured environments. After reading about my personality type, I started thinking about the strengths and weaknesses and how they relate to how I act. The biggest reason I think I am an INTJ is because of the way I handle personal challenges. If there is something I am trying to make, nothing can stop me — not even sleep. One downside to my unstoppable drive to work on personal projects is my inability to balance it with my school work. Because of this personality test, I am going to be looking in my day to day life for the weaknesses that come along with the INTJ personality type and work on turning them into strengths. This activity allowed me to better understand what I am already good at as well as pointing out what I could use some work on. Knowing my personality type has changed my mindset in group work, making me more aware of how my personality type clashes or works well with others.