Chopin Prelude in A 2/9/09 ChopPrelA020909
Chopin Prelude in E min 5/13/09 ChopPrelEmin051309BeethFurElise022809.wav
Chopin Prelude in C min 2/28/09 ChopPrelCmin022809
Chopin Prelude B min 2/2009 ChopPrelBmin022009
Beethoven Fur Elise 2/28/09 BeethFurElise022809
Mendelssohn Spinning Song 3/12/09 MendSpinSong031209
Paderewski Menuet in G 3/11/09 PadMinG031109
Across the Field, OSU Fight Song 2/9/09 AcrossField020909
Take Five 4/28/09 TakeFive042809
Believe Me 2/28/09 BelMe022809
When Irish Eyes are Smiling 12/19/08 IrishEyes121908
Auld Lang Syne 5/13/09 AuldLang051309
These files are my performances using the non real time computer assisted process described in FoundPianoWar10.18.13a
All of these music files can be heard at my YouTube site