Caitlin Foley’s Module 5 Blog Post

Hi everyone, I’m Caitlin!

Today’s topic is on module 5 and I wanted to talk today about the Cornell note-taking strategy.

So I have a story from back in my junior year of high school. My school had gotten a brand new English teacher. He was an older man and was very serious. I was a little nervous going into the class because and he had been teaching college English for the past like 10 years of his life and he had really high expectations. And I’m not bad at English it’s just he was pretty intimidating so I was like oh this will be an interesting year. Halfway through the year, we started reading some book (I’m pretty sure it was some Shakespeare book because I swear we read every Shakespeare known to man in that class). Anyways he decided to show us a new form of notetaking called the Cornell method. He said that we would use them in college all the time and that it would be essential for us to learn how to do it. We all thought it be completely fine because it’s notetaking, how hard could that be? We would read to a certain point take notes on stuff that made no sense and then the teacher would have us turn our Cornell notes in. The first time he had us do that he basically ripped everyone’s notes apart and we were all like wow. So we quickly learned how to do it the correct way according to him. But who would’ve thought that going into my sophomore year of college I would finally hear about taking Cornell notes and it’s like a full-circle moment?

The slide that included the video about different types of note-taking was on slide 7.

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