Next Tuesday November 28th from 6 – 8 pm in CBEC 267 FOCUS is hosting a member’s only group bonding event in which we will be drinking hot coco, eating cookies, decorating tote bags, and watching a movie. The only thing a FOCUS person needs to do is to come and vote on what movie you would like to watch HERE!
FOCUS Blood Battle
Next Thursday November 16th from 10 am – 7 pm in the Ohio Union Great Hall Meeting Room 1, FOCUS is helping to host a blood donation event for the annual Blood Battle between OSU and ❌ichigan!
We are trying to fill at least 20 donation slots so if you want to give blood, please sign up on the link below:
After the event Versiti will provide us with information about how many lives were saved through the donations at our event. If you are interested in volunteering for the event please contact!
Student Lead Workshop: How to Network
FOCUS will be hosting a student lead workshop on How to Network, Oct 30th 1:30 – 2:30 pm in CBEC 267! The presentation will cover, an ideal 20-minute networking meeting, how to prepare a 3 – minute thesis, and 1 – minute elevator pitch. After the presentation participants will be pared up 1 on 1 to practice the skills learned. This event is a low stress way to get into the art of promoting yourself and your work!
Professional Development Panel Review
Thank you to all those who came out to the FOCUS Professional Development panel last friday! We had a great turn out of over 35 students, with every seat in the room filled, but more importantly we had a great discussion about what it is like to work in industry as a woman. No matter what field of science studied, the panelists were able to reach the broader audience by talking about work life balance, the importance of mental health, and knowing your worth. Many thanks to our three wonderful panelists Dr. Lauren McCullough, Dr. Maude Desroches, and Dr. Grace Jang!
Upcoming: FOCUS Professional Development Panel
- On Oct 6th 3-4 pm in Fontana 2000, three distinguished scientists will be coming to OSU to sit on a Career and Professional Development focused panel.
- Dr. Lauren McCullough is an associate research scientist at Dow Chemical whose work is focused around New Process Technology development. Dr. Maude Desroches also works at Dow Chemical in Personal Care R&D. Dr. Grace Jang is a Technology Scout at Owens Corning, who has over 6 years of science specific industry positions.
- Females of Chemistry Uniting Scientists (FOCUS) invites you to not only come to the panel but also pre-submit any questions you have for the visiting scientists, by clicking HERE!
- All OSU students and staff are welcome to attend the event! Feel free to reach out to with any questions or concerns!
2024 FOCUS Recruitment
Congratulations to the only trivia team who didn’t have Barbie in their name during a Barbie themed recruitment event👏! We have a great turnout friday for FOCUS recruitment, a huge thank you to everyone who came out to the event! If you were unable to make the event and are still interestedin who FOCUS is or what FOCUS does please feel free to email or dm us on instagram at focus_osu!
Lunch with Dr. Mridula Nair
On September 8th several members of FOCUS had the opportunity to have lunch with Dr. Mridula Nair, and OSU Chemistry PhD Alumni. Dr. Nair is an integral member of Eastman Kodak for over 40 years and holds 145 US granted patents! Not only is she a successful chemist, she also is a huge advocate for gender equality in STEM. Dr. Nair mentors young women and helps economically and socially disadvantaged students continue into higher education. During lunch, we learned more about Dr. Nair’s transition from graduate school into industry, and how she has navigated working in a primarily male-dominated field. Dr. Nair emphasized how important it is to support and uplift women and underrepresented groups in science and to give back to the community.
FOCUS Recruitment Night
September 14th, 2023 at 6pm in CBEC 267, FOCUS will be hosting a recruitment event to provide potential new members with information about the organization’s mission and future events.
The event will start off with a short presentation about who FOCUS is, what we stand for, what we have
accomplished, and what we hope to accomplish the upcoming year! Then the attendance will be split up into different groups for a game of Kahoot featuring Barbie and STEM trivia to help promote group bonding.
There will be snacks, drinks, and pizza so please join us!