
Global Awareness

I plan on pursuing the Global Awareness area of the G.O.A.L.S. through study abroad experiences, service trips, and taking several classes about different cultures.  I hope to take an opportunity in my junior or senior year to study abroad in a country where I can experience the different cultural and social environment.  I also hope to gain knowledge about the history and current issues in the country in which I study.  Additionally, I am interested in engaging in service trips overseas during academic breaks.  These trips will allow me to experience life in a different nation as well as help others around the world and make a global impact.  Finally, I will choose classes that explore the literature and histories of nations outside of the U.S. as part of my major in the hopes that I can learn about the international human experience.

Original Inquiry

I am planning to engage in research over the next few summers.  Because I am hoping to enter the medical field, I will be considering areas of research that are related closely to medicine and human biology.  I have a particular interest in immunology and molecular genetics so I am hoping to engage in research with professionals on campus or at nearby medical centers such as Nationwide Children’s Hospital.  Not only will this research help me prepare for medical school, but it will also allow me to gain knowledge about areas about which I am passionate and to contribute to increasing global knowledge about these areas.

Academic Enrichment

I am pursuing a major in English as well as following the pre-medicine track.  I chose this combination because I love the subject of English literature and I want to become a doctor.  I find that this combination allows me to study humans in a scientific realm as well as in a cultural and historical area.  By choosing this course load, I am gaining a challenging and well-rounded education in the humanities and sciences. I am taking many classes outside of my major because of my additional interest in biological study.  I am excited to take these classes because I find the new discoveries in these fields incredible and I am also excited to take courses related to my career field.  I am also taking a few classics courses because I have always loved learning about ancient Greece and Rome as well as their mythology.


Leadership Development

One main way that I am developing my leadership abilities is through being a member of the OSU Women’s Rowing team.  This team is the best rowing team in the nation and as a member, I have learned the value of discipline, hard work, time management, and teamwork.  I am a coxswain on the team so I am responsible for steering the boats, motivating the rowers, and assisting coaches in drills, recording times, and critiquing technique.  This position is very important for the team and it has given me confidence in my leadership skills.  I hope to continue rowing as long as I can so that I can grow as an athlete and a team leader for this elite group of student athletes.  I have learned to love the sport and it is a great way to be involved with the university outside of academics.

Service Engagement

I am planning to become a volunteer at a nearby hospital so that I can begin to help people who are sick.  This will give me experience in a hospital environment which is important for future study of medicine, but it will also allow me to serve those who need medical care.  As mentioned previously, I also want to go on service trips outside of the Columbus area or even overseas.  I think that service in areas outside of my local community is important because it gives me experience with other cultures and social situations.  I will be able to help those less fortunate or in difficult situations and impact the world around me in a concrete way.

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