

Music: Music has been a significant part of my life ever since I was born.  According to my mother, I was able to recognize the differences between musical pieces written in “major” keys or “minor” keys simply by either smiling or crying.  Music has been the primary way in which I express myself artistically, continually entertaining my family members and my closest friends.  I began playing the Piano when I was 3, and I was fascinated with the complexity of the chords and complex phrases within a piece.  Later when I was 9, I began playing the cello (the one instrument I have wanted to play ever since I was 4 years old).  Coming from a school (both my grade and high school) which placed very little emphasis on music education, I have been further motivated to share my passion and interest in classical (and more contemporary) music with my peers to bring realization of its significance.



Traveling:  Traveling is another interest that defines myself.  Traveling allows for me to come across new places, new cultures, and even new ideas (political and social).  I enjoy going to various places because I am often bored being in my home for too long; in addition, I enjoy adventure and taking on new learning experiences whether it is sight-seeing or observation.  So far, I have  been to 3 continents (10 countries, excluding the United States).

Even though I have traveled a lot in my country, only twice have I traveled to do something for others.  As I have gotten older, I would like to travel to go out and help people in need and to learn about other ways in which I can help others in my own country.








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