Freshman year, I got involved in a club on campus called Healthy Asian Youth University (HAY-U). This club was a bridge between OSU campus and the nonprofit organization, Healthy Asian Youth (HAY). This org serves to help provide a safe and educational community for underserved Asian minorities in the city of Columbus. I started volunteering weekly at their program and helped with homework and played with the kids as well as developing personal relationships with them.

Sophomore Year

at the end of freshman year, I applied to be a part of the e-board. I ended up getting the role as Volunteer Coordinator, and my main role was to help organize rides with the HAY director (Franchesca) and help OSU students get to the volunteering center. Within a month, I was then promoted to the role of Treasurer (the other decided to quit). During that summer, our Vice President also stepped down due to conflicting schedules and other leadership roles. It was an interesting year of leading, as it was my first time managing money and budgeting for a club. I attended a Treasurer training and learned the rules of budgeting in regards to University standards. Within our e-board, it was also a lot of our first year leading a club, and with two members quitting early on, it made it more challenging.

Junior Year

At the end of sophomore year, I became the role of Vice President. So far, it has been a lot of background work and helping the President and all of the other roles do their jobs. I book rooms, help organize rides, help publicize our events, and help in making key decisions.

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