Board Meetings

Board Meeting 1 – Scott
Micro Notes:
-Chips could have multiple entrances in case one of them gets blocked by the yeast
-Experiments should be ran in the same channel unless it gets damaged. Should switch to a channel with similar flow characteristics
-Leave enough space between edges and channels when designing the chip
-Put typed procedures for experiments in the lab notebook
-Open labs begin after spring break

Nano Notes:
-Advice of pick a disease you are passionate about!
-3-D printed NANOLYSER is a good prop to have for presentations
-Videos for pre-labs will give some guidance on topics to consider in design of the device

Documentation Notes:
-Keep up to date with website updates
-Use Google Docs or OneDrive to embed documents
-Keep up to date with your working hour logs

Board Meeting 2 – Jacob B.
Micro Notes:
-Have 1 full month for experiments, need to run both experimental and control trials
-Test the fit of the chip with water before seeding with yeast
-Reincubate yeast between each trial

Nano Notes:
-Capillary action needs micropillars
-Can use external machinery (pumps, temperature control, spectroscopy) if chip is designed to fit in them with little or no modification
-Full economic analysis not required

Documentation Notes:
-Keep up on timesheets, include in-class time
-Include problem statements on website

Board Meeting 3 – Paul
Micro Notes:
-Vinegar and lime juice are both available for use in variable testing
-Scales have lately been inaccurate in lab due to battery issues

Nano Notes:
-Look into micropillars for capillary action
-Locate where the analyte  is located in the blood stream
-If TTG is present within cells then they require lysing

Documentation Notes:
-Keep up on time sheets
-Templates will be available for final nano posters

-Statistics presentation will take place in class to clarify the app
-Make sure orders for 3-D printed nano devices are in by April 18th

Board Meeting 4 – Jacob F.
Micro Notes:
-All pictures of channels annd data from microfluidics trials need to be on the website
-Data needs to be finished being collected by 4/13/18

Nano Notes:
-The white paper has an unspecified number of pages
-Size of NANOLYSER is completely up to us
-When printing, PLA is used in the Makerbot 3-D printer – has a resolution of 100-400 microns