D. Meeting Notes

Fill out the following for each team project meeting


Date/Time: 10/30/19 , 11:00am – 11:45pm

Members Present: Hamidou , Liban , Alex , Liam

Topics/Agenda: brainstorming game ideas

Action Items with names assigned:

Actions: work on black jack game.  Names: Hamidou and Liban

Actions : work on connect 4 game. Names: Alex and Liam


Date/Time: 11/6/19 , 11:00am – 12:05 pm

Members Present: Hamidou , Liban , Alex , Liam

Topics/Agenda: work on flow charts for games

Action Items with names assigned:

Actions: work on black jack  game flowchart.  Names: Hamidou and Liban

Actions : work on connect 4 game flowchart. Names: Alex and Liam


Date/Time: 11/11/19, 4:00pm – 4:45pm

Members Present: Hamidou , Liban , Alex , Liam

Topics/Agenda: SDP draft of powerpoint slides

Action Items with names assigned:

Actions: create slides regarding blackjack.  Names: Hamidou and Liban

Actions : create slides regarding connect 4 . Names: Alex and Liam


Date/Time:11/21/19, 10:00am – 1:00pm

Members Present: Hamidou , Liban , Alex , Liam

Topics/Agenda: Documentation

Actions: Start video, finish discussion, annotating final code with comments, and the flowchart


Date/Time:12/2/19, 11:00am – 1:00pm

Members Present: Hamidou , Liban , Alex , Liam

Topics/Agenda: Documentation

Actions: Finish video, and documentation