B. User Manual

Connect 4:

Connect 4 is a two player game. When the users enter the game, the system will ask them whether they want to play the game; only 0 and 1 are valid input numbers. 0 means that they do not want to play, thus, if they enter a 0, the system will end directly. However, if they enter a 1, it means that they want to play. If a 1 is entered, the users will be free to choose player number 1 (using red chips) or player number 2 (using black chips), and will be prompted to enter their names. At this time, the chipboard will be displayed in the form of a picture. The game will start with the player using the red chips going first, then the player using the black chips (this order continues until the game is over). It should be noted that the chips cannot be placed in the position where there are already chips, otherwise the system will display an error message box asking the user to replace the chips. Also, whenever an empty position is chosen, the chip will automatically fall to the highest position without a chip below the column. Before the board is filled, if any player’s chips are connected to four consecutive chips in a row, column or diagonally, the player wins and the system will pop up a message box to display the victory result. If no player wins until the board is filled, the system will pop up a message box showing that the game is even and that there is no winner (the result is a tie).


When the user starts up the program and begins to play, they are first asked whether or not they know how to play memory. If they enter a 0, this signifies that they do not know how to play and a description of the rules will thus be printed out to them. However, if they enter a 1, then the program knows that the user knows how to play already and that no description of the rules is needed. If the user enters anything other than a 0 or 1, then an error message will print out and the program will require them to re-enter a 0 or 1. This process will continue until the user enters a 0 or 1 (the computer only knows what it means when the user inputs a 0 or 1, so they can’t enter anything other than those two numbers). After the program gets the input from the user regarding whether or not they know how to play, it prints out the board/arrangement of cards, which at the beginning of the game is 4 rows of 13 face down cards. The user then chooses two cards to flip over and the number of guesses that the user previously had is incremented by 1 (when the user is choosing cards to flip over, if they choose a card that is already face up, then an error message is displayed to the user telling them to choose a different card).  If the chosen cards are a match, then they stay face up and a message is displayed telling the user that they found a match. However, if they aren’t a match, then they flip back over and a message is displayed to the user telling them that they did not find a match. After every time the user finds a match, the program checks to see if all of the cards are turned over/face up. If they are, then this signifies that the game is over and a winning message prints out, along with a print out of the amount of pairs of guesses that it took the user to win the game. 

Over/Under Seven:

Over/Under Sevens is a dice based betting program. It starts off by asking the user if they know how to play. The user must input 1 if they know how to play and 0 if they do not know how to play. The the user inputs 0, the directions are displayed. The program then displays how much money the user has to bet and asks them if they want to play. Again, the user will either input 1 (yes) or 0 (no) if they want to play. If the user does not want to play, the game ends and a departing message is displayed. If the user chooses to play, the program randomly rolls two die. The program then asks the user to input an amount to bet. After the user inputs a bet, the program asks the user if they would like to place their bet on High (H), Low (L), or Seven (S). The sum of the two randomly rolled die is either lower, higher, or equal to seven. If the users bet matches the sum of the die (H, L, or S) then the user wins the amount of money that they bet. If the users bet does not match the sum of the die then the user loses the amount of money that they bet. If the sum of the die is seven and the user bet on sevens, then the user’s winnings is their bet amount multiplied by four. After that the program asks the user if they wish to continue playing. If the user enters 1 (yes), the previous process is repeated and the user can continue playing until they run out of money. If they run out of money a message is displayed and the game ends. If the user does not wish to continue playing and inputs 0 (no), a departing message is displayed and the game ends.