Project Schedule/Meeting Notes

Project Schedule/Meeting Notes

October 30th, 2018: Software Design Project Day 1

Work day for initial programming and design, also for working on documentation.

November 6th, 2018: Software Design Project Day 2

Continuing work on the programming and design, also continuing on the documentation.

November 13th, 2018: Software Design Project Day 3

Finishing up programming and design for the first version of the game.

November 27th, 2018: Software Design Project Day 4

Finalized all game code and demonstrated the final game to TA’s.
November 28th, 2018: Software Design Project Video

Group members met to record the segments for the SDP Video and also edit the video.

Individual Responsibility Agreement

Siddharth Patel; 

My responsibility is to make the video, help with writing the code, write the script for the video and help with the presentation. With the code, I will be making sure that comments are added, and necessary measures are taken so that the code is readily understandable to a third party. I will also play a major role in making the video, as I would be filming and recording / be the face of the video, and I will also write a major part of the script for the video. I will also make the presentation of the video, with the help of my group members, and I will try to do a significant amount of that. Apart from that, I will be responsible for holding group meetings, and making sure to set a time and date for those meetings, that meets everyone’s schedule.

Will Hampson:

My responsibilities for this project will be to test and write the code for the game as well as do some tasks for the website and film/edit the movie.


Gregory Peterson:

My focus for the project is to help test and revise code as necessary, as well as helping to add comments for the code. I will also help work on the movie.

Dominik Winecki:

My responsibility with this project is mostly working on the games and ensuring others are able to as well. I will also handle the Algorithm assignments. I will find a way to have efficient collaboration between members with the source code.

Team Working Agreement

Primary Means of Communication and Expectations

All members will be expected to read emails and the GroupMe from anyone in the group on a daily basis and respond in less than 12 hours, unless the group was informed of a time when a member is not available.

Scheduling of Meetings

Meetings will be scheduled only when needed and will be accompanied by the identification and, if needed, reservation of a meeting location by the instigating member.

General Responsibilities for All Team Members

Complete assigned tasks with efficiency and on time.

Divide the work, according to expertise of members on specific tasks.

To seek guidance from the rest of the team if stuck with a problem on an assigned project.

Every member is required to stay on task.

Every groupmate is responsible for doing his part in the project.

Every groupmate is responsible to communicate with other groupmates unless extraordinary circumstances come up and they are unable to complete assigned task.

Conflict Resolution

If a conflict may arise: 1) Discuss it with the group 2) Meet after class to try and resolve the problem 3) Ask a GTA or Prof. to intervene or advise

Expectations of Faculty and GTA’s

If a team member fails to live up to this agreement, the situation may be reported to the staff, but the team will still be responsible for submitting a completed assignment. Staff will be available to meet with teams to resolve issues.