Language improving plan for Yi Li(TOM)

For me, I think there are two aspects of language skills that can bring me huge improvements. First is about the false start. Second is about stress and elongate.

In order to have few false starts, two methods may be useful. To begin with, I can answer a lot of jump questions, which will let me be find my own correct way to start. Also, I should speak at least several minutes a time to figure out whether I have fewer false starts when meeting some stops in thinking while speaking.

To enhance the stress and elongate skills, I should follow the coming steps. Firstly, I should record what I said. Then I should write the words down according to the audio. Moreover, I should mark where I should stress and practice over and over again.

So, I should answer the jump question each day and record them done for practicing. Of course, seeing movies is necessary at least twice a week.

This is my draft plan and wish you all good!



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