
Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our Fisher College of Business Summer of Intensive English Program blog!  First of all, I’m both honored and excited to have you here in Columbus a few weeks before the semester starts to participate in a program that will help you be Ready On Day One.  On the first day of the Fall 2014 semester you will have the education, experience and tools to maximize your experience at Ohio State.  Most importantly, you should be able to appreciate and enjoy the education journey you have ahead of you.

Being a Global Citizen is both a privilege and a responsibility.  You all hopped on an airplane and flew halfway around the world, which is an amazing thing in itself.  You are all bringing  a wealth of experience, cultural background and talents to Ohio State and it’s important and rewarding for you to share it with others on campus.  We will talk about this much more in the next few weeks.

This blog serves as a platform for our summer program.  I will often post to it and you will be required to add, post, and comment as well.

First of all, I have created a Google map to give you an introduction to some important places around campus, including OSU related buildings, restaurants on High Street, and banks and other service places to help you quickly acclimate in Columbus.