Junior Fair Rule Book

Dear 4-H Advisors, FFA Advisors, and Families with Junior Fair Exhibitors,

On this index page please find the 2021 Junior Fair Rule Book linked separately by Department and Section. Since there will not be a print version this year, the on-line version you see is what we will be working from this year, and likely into the future. As you review it, please note the following:

  • Near the top of the index page you’ll find links to the NEW entry forms. Links to these forms are also included within each Department link you find in the index. Carefully read and follow the protocol for completing and submitting entry forms that you find on the Entry Forms page.
  • In addition to each specie, in the index also find links to the DUNF, the Market Animal Take Home affidavit, Premier Exhibitor, Skillathon and Project Book Review, Showmanship, the Livestock Judging Contest and the Livestock Auction. Carefully review each of these pages for further instruction.
  • Rules for ‘take home’ animals and the livestock auction have changed. Carefully review these changes found under the Exhibitor Info ’21 link on the 78th Fairfield County Fair 4-H & FFA Livestock Auction page.
  • We know there may still be some mistakes in this new on-line version of the Junior Fair Rule Book. The newly adopted rules plus over 60 pages from the old rule book have been converted from PDFs and Publisher into a web format. We know some things didn’t convert perfectly . . . if you find mistakes, please share them with us and they can be quickly fixed.
  • IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS please email them to us. We will be hosting a live ZOOM August 11th at 6:00 pm and will address all your questions then, and share additional information about how best to utilize this new on-line Rule Book and Entry forms. Register here for the zoom meeting.
  • Entries will be accepted at the Sr. Fair Office on the Fairgrounds from Advisors on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. from August 16 thru August 27, 2021.

Use this link to share access to the 2021 Fairfield County Junior Fair Rule Book: https://go.osu.edu/jrfairbook

In the meantime, for more detailed information about utilizing the new Rule Book, you may visit this blog post: https://go.osu.edu/21jrfairblog