Got time to help with 4-H/FFA Skillathons for Junior Fair Youth? We need you!!!

Fairfield County Junior Fair Skillathon Superintendent, Sarah Martin is looking for a few good volunteers!!!  It takes 75 volunteers per day to assist with the Skillathon events.  If you would like to donate your time and give back to tomorrow’s leaders, email  Sarah at  For more details take a listen into this 88.9FM Saturday Morning Farm Page interview with Sarah and 4-H Educator Leslie Cooksey!!  Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!!


Need Presale Tickets for the Mt. Pleasant Shoot Out on August 27?

If you are planning on coming to the Mt Pleasant Shoot Out at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds this weekend take a listen to Fairfield County Fairboard Entertainment Director, Greg Swinehart  talk about all the places around Lancaster for discounted pre-sale tickets in this radio interview for 88.9FM WLRY’s  Farm Page!!!


Want the details of the Fairfield County Antique Tractor Club Show?

Be sure to listen into the 88.9FM WLRY Saturday Morning Farm Page Interview with Fairfield County Antique Tractor Club President, Doug Shaw…Highlights of the event plus and insight into the History of the club…Be sure to listen in, attend the show this weekend at the Fairgrounds…Free Admission and Free Parking all at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds!!!

4-H Day is scheduled for March 5th at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds!!! _

4-H Day is held the first Saturday in March from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at the AAA Building at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. This free event is open to anyone – current, past and future 4-H members, or even if you are just curious about 4-H. A time to have one-on-one interaction with individuals who have had various experiences with 4-H. A time when you may sign up to become a 4-H member.

For more information, contact the Fairfield County Extension Office at 740-653-5419.

It is Time to Join 4-H

4-H is a non-formal educational, youth development organization for boys and girls. Traditional clubs are open to youth age 8 and in 3rd grade or age 9 up to youth who have not passed their 19th birthday as of January 1st.  Youth who are age 5 and in Kindergarten up to 8 years of age as of January 1st are eligible for participation in the Cloverbud Program, an activity based program to introduce 4-H to future members.

There are lots of fun things you can learn in 4-H and in a variety of ways. You can participate in 4-H through clubs, camps, your school, and short-term experiences. You can learn about animals, computers, public speaking, cooking, art, gardening and environmental sciences, just to name a few projects.

How do you join a 4-H Club?

  1. Complete online information request at before March 1st.
  2. Visit 4-H Youth Development at to view club biographies in the county. (Contact the advisors on the list to find out more information about that particular club).



Tractor Club Toy Show happening on February 20!!

Do you love to collect farm toys?  Would you like to shop for multiple vendors in one location?  February 20 is the day to make plans to visit the Fairfield County Fairgrounds and check out the Fairfield Antique Tractor Club’s Toy the Ed Sands/Farm Bureau Building and the AAA Building,too!!

Admission is $2.00.

For all the details, please listen in to the 88.9 FM  Saturday Morning Farm Page interview with Doug Shaw, President of the Tractor Club by clicking on the link below.



Fair Queen Hannah Saum competes in the Ohio Fair Queen Competition

If you missed the 88.9FM Saturday Morning Farm Page Interview with Fairfield County Fair Queen Hannah Saum be sure to listen in.  Hannah shares her experiences at the recently held Ohio Fair Queen contest, the friends made she made and some of the County Fair  she hopes to visit this Summer.



If you want more Fairfield County Fair News be sure to subscribe to the Fairfield County Fair news blog..

Fairboard President Shares her love of all things 4-H and more…

From Groveport Work and Win to Amanda Work and Win to the Fairfield County Fair Board, Barbara Lamp shares her passion for 4-H, the youth she works with.  Now she is “giving back”‘ as the President of the Fairfield County Fairboard.  It is a really good interview be sure to take a minute and listen in!!



Want to keep up with Fairfield County Fair news…be sure to sign up for the Fairfield County Fair News Blog..


Best New Year’s Wishes from the Fairfield County Fair!!

With appreciation for all who supported our FULL Fair in 2021, we look forward to the Fairfield County Fair slated for October 10-15  2022!!  Now is the time to purchase your 2022 Fairfield County  Agriculture Society Membership, which gives you one week long pass for the 2022 Fairfield County Fair, entry privileges and the ability to vote in the annual Director election, all for $25.00.

Office hours at the Fair office are 8:30 until noon, Monday thru Friday.

Fairfield County Fair back to a “Full Fair” in 2021

We are  just a few days  away from the  opening of the 2021 Fairfield County Fair. Here’s all the details..  Sunday, October 10 is a Free Day.  The official grand opening of the Fair kicks off on Monday, October 11 in the Grandstand at 8 am.   This year will be the return to a  FULL FAIR, complete with rides, vendors, Art Hall Displays, Entertainment and so much more!!!    If you will recall in 2020 we  hosted a  Junior Fair only, for 4-H and FFA exhibitors to complete their project work.  In 2019,  immediately after the Fair 3the Fairfield County Ag Society voted to raise admission prices to $7.00 while committing $2.00 of the cost increase to long term improvements on the Fairgrounds.  Check out the following information on Advance Sale Tickets,  Ticket Prices  (which does include parking) and Ride Information.

Admission Hours:

Sunday: Gates Open at 12:00 noon

Monday-Saturday: Gates Open at 7:00 a.m.


Anyone 10yrs and over : $7.00

Anyone 9yrs and under: free

Advanced Sale Tickets

$30.00 each

You will receive a strip of 6 admission tickets. They may be purchased at the Fair Office during business hours.

*Tickets may also be purchased at Fairfield National Bank and their Lancaster branch locations.

Senior Citizen Tickets

Wed. 10/13/21 Senior Citizens will be charged $3.00 with Golden Buckeye Card

Ride Tickets:

Ride Specials for Fairfield County Fair

Ride tickets prices are subject to change without prior notice. They are set by the ride company and we have no control on the price. Please call the office and we will try to assist you, 740-653-3041.

Hours of Operation for Rides:

Sunday 12:00 NOON – 6:30 p.m.

Monday 12:00 NOON – 10:00 p.m.

Tuesday 12:00 NOON – 10:00 p.m.

Wednesday 12:00 NOON – 10:00 p.m.

Thursday 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.

Friday 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.

Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Single tickets will be $1.50 each.

Twenty-five tickets for $25.00

Kiddie rides will require TWO tickets.

Adult rides will require THREE tickets.

Hand Stamp Specials for all Rides:

Sunday $16.00

Monday $15.00

(plus free merry-go-round, Monday 12:00 noon – 10:00pm)

Tuesday $15.00

Wednesday $15.00

Thursday $14.00

Friday $14.00

Saturday $16.00

Ticket sales will begin 1/2 hour before the start of rides.  The hand stamp or wrist band specials do not include side attractions such as the Fun House and the Dark Ride.