4 H/FFA Meat/Market Goat: Department 110 Breeding Meat Does, Department 111 Market

Meat Does and Market Goats: #50 Show Arena – Tuesday, October 12, 12:00 p.m.

Superintendent in Charge: Myron Slykerman
Assistant Superintendent: Lisa Ruff
Assistant Superintendent: Nathan Crook

NOTE: The fair entry and showmanship sign-up procedure has changed. Deadline for all entries including showmanship is August 27, 2021.

HOUSING FORMS: Junior Fair Exhibitors housing animal(s) in a location other than the property on which they reside must obtain and file a Livestock Housing Form with the Senior Fair Office. Deadline for filling out this form is the deadline set forth for possession of the animal.

QUALITY ASSURANCE: As mandated by the Ohio Department of Agriculture, each exhibitor must have attended an educational experience by August 15, 2021. Club/Chapter Quality Assurance Clinics taught by a Trained and Certified Assistant Instructor, or the Countywide Make-up Clinics are required for exhibitors to meet this requirement. The 4-H Youth Development Educators at OSU Extension can provide locations of workshops provided in our county.

SKILLATHON: Each exhibitor must participate in a Skillathon. You are encouraged to attend the species you are exhibiting. If you plan to be involved in premier exhibitor for market goat, you must complete the Market Goat Skillathon at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds on September 12th to be eligible.

TATTOO/TAG: All Market Goats must be tattooed/tagged and weighed at the Fairgrounds on the Second Saturday of July, 8:00 – 10:30 a.m. Each exhibitor may tag in a total of three goats, two for the market classes and one back-up, which more than one exhibitor from the same “immediate family” may designate as a back‑up goat.

MARKET GOAT WEIGH-IN: Second Saturday in July, 8:00 – 10:30 a.m., Fairgrounds. Fair – Saturday, October 9, 2:30-3:30 p.m., Goat Barn. There will be a Meat/Market Goat Exhibitor Meeting at 2:00 p.m.

HEALTH PAPERS are not required except for a valid and current Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF) for market and milking animals. All animals must be free from any/all drugs in their system on fair weigh-in day. DUNF forms are to be submitted online prior to the fair.

ENTRIES: Exhibitors may enter & show a total of two (2) Market Goats (only one is eligible to sell at auction). All other classes are limited to one (1) entry per class and no more than three (3) total per book (not to exceed 7 entries in Dept. 109 -Dairy Goats, Dept. 110-Breeding Meat Does, Dept. 111 -Market Goats, and Dept. 112-Pygmy Goats). Exception: If showing three Meat Does, the exhibitor may also show two (2) Market Goats for a total of five (5) from the Meat/Market Book. However, the Market Goats still count in the seven (7) total.

SHOWMANSHIP SIGN-UP: Entries are submitted through Department 200, Book 110 (Meat Doe/Market Goat Showmanship); be sure to include your Showmanship Class number that can be found in 4-H/FFA Livestock Showmanship; Department 200.

ARRIVAL TIME: Before unloading at the fairgrounds, the animal’s tattoo or tag must be checked with the animal’s paperwork by the appropriate show committee personnel. Check-in Time is the Saturday prior to fair from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00. p.m.

MARKET CLASSES:  This is a Partial Terminal show. See ODA rules 901-19-01 FF and ODA Rules 901-19-02 D.

MARKET GOAT SALE: Immediately following the 10:00 a.m. Sheep, Rabbit and Poultry Sale on Friday (Feeder Creek Show Arena). See the new sale participation rule adopted by the Sr. Fair Board for the 2021 sale that can be found linked here.

RELEASE TIME: Market Goats-after the sale according to Sale Committee Guidelines.  All other goats after 12 noon and before 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. No animals will be removed from the fairgrounds prior to the stated release time without approval from the Junior Fair Director or Senior Fair Board. Any exhibitor violating this rule will be barred from exhibiting that specie the following year.

PREMIUM: Project Books are to be checked during the skillathon. If an exhibitor does not complete a project book and turn it at the skillathon, s/he will be ineligible to receive a premium for that specie at the county fair for that year. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to complete project books for their exhibit.


  1. All animals, including market goats, exhibited must have an official USDA Scrapie Identification as described in ODA Rule 901:1-13-04. Most common types of this identification are: (a) Official USDA ear tags or (b) Tattoos that have been approved by the USDA, APHIS for use in the scrapie eradication program.

SPECIAL NOTES: Official USDA Tattoos must have both a herd (premises) number and unique animal identification number. A tattoo of an official USDA Scrapie Identification Number that does not meet this requirement is not acceptable. Legible registration tattoos may be used to identify meat does when the animal is accompanied by their original registration certificate listing the tattoo number (copies are not acceptable). If a registration certificate is used for identification, consistent with ODA Rule 901-19-39(5) the animal must have been registered in the exhibitor’s name for not less than sixty days.

  1. All market wethers must have official USDA Scrapie tags. They must have a scrapie tag in their ear the day of goat weigh-in in July. No tattooing of a scrapie number will be accepted unless the goat is a Lamancha breed.
  2. The 4-H/FFA exhibitors must be sure that the animal has an official USDA tag or tattoo. They may get their own tags or tattooing or have their veterinarian do it. (For more information call the Ohio APHIS Dept. at 614-856-4735). All animals must be tattooed/tagged prior to arriving at the fairgrounds.
  3. Remember that Federal law prohibits removing the official USDA tag or tattoo from any animal, but any animal can have more than one official USDA tag or tattoo.

Meat Doe; Department 110, Book 1
PREMIUMS:       “A” = $4.50          “B” = $3.50          “C” = $2.50

Meat Doe Classes: (Does in Classes 6 & 7 must have kidded):

    1. Junior Meat Doe Kid, born April, May, June of the current year
    2. Intermediate Meat Doe Kid, born January, February, March of the current year
    3. Senior Meat Doe Kid, born October, November, December of the previous year
    4. Yearling Meat Doe, born April – September of the previous year
    5. Meat Doe, born October 2019 – March 2020
    6. Meat Doe 2 years old and under 3 years old as of October 1 (must have kidded)
    7. Meat Doe 3 years old and over (must have kidded)

Market Goat; Department 111, Book 1
PREMIUMS:       “A” = $4.50          “B” = $3.50          “C” = $2.50

Market Goat Classes:

  1. Market Goat, Homegrown, born after January 1st current year
  2. Market Goat, born after January 1st current year


Special Rules

  1. All animals exhibited must be in complete possession and fully owned (as evidenced by a bill of sale or registration papers) and in the complete possession and continual care of the exhibitor on and after July 1. NO LEASING OF ANIMALS PERMITTED.
  2. An exhibitor must have their Market Goat tattooed/tagged in July at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. Each exhibitor may register 2 market goats in their name plus one as a backup. Backups maybe shared by a family. Should the market goat’s ear not be suitable for tagging, the market goat will be tattooed in the tail web.
  3. Only wethers (castrated males) are allowed in the Market Goat class, no bucks, or stags. Market goats showing any evidence of testicular tissue are not eligible to be shown or sold. The veterinarian’s decision is final.
  4. Market Goats will be divided into twelve (12) equal classes by weight. If the total of Market Goats exhibited is not equally divisible by twelve (12) the remainder shall be distributed to each class beginning with the lightest.
  5. All underweight goats weighing under 60 pounds at Market Goat Weigh-In at fair time will go home after weigh-in on Saturday after talking with the Goat Superintendent regardless if a “Market Animal Take Home” form was completed prior to weigh-in.
  6. . Exhibitor will receive a grade “B” for project completion.
  7. Market Goats must have primary teeth or, if any missing prematurely, “No secondary teeth may be present”.
  8. Only one eligible Market Goat may be sold in the auction by an exhibitor. The top five in each class may be sold individually in accordance with ODA Rule 901-19-02 D. There may be a packer bid on all eligible Market Goats. The only time an exhibitor can sell both goats individually is if they are selected for both Grand and Reserve Champions. The exhibitor’s 2nd market goat will be sold at packer bid only if a packer bid is available.
  9. A certified scale will be used to weigh all Market Goats at the fairgrounds in July. Any Market Goat weighing over 80 pounds in July during the tattoo/tag day at the fairgrounds will not be eligible to be shown or sold.
  10. All Market Goats sold through the auction except the Grand and Reserve Champions will be removed from the fairgrounds after the sale according to Sale Committee guidelines.
  11. The exhibitors of the Grand and Reserve Champions will provide continual care through Saturday and will leave feed for Senior Fair Board through Monday. Additionally, they will assist with the load out of the animals on the Saturday concluding the fair. Premiums, prize money, and sale proceeds will be forfeited if the exhibitor fails to provide this continual care.
  12. Animals showing evidence of illness, superficial abscesses, open sores or wounds, sore mouth, or foot rot will not be permitted on the fairgrounds, shown, or sold.
  13. No tack will be allowed in pens. No grooming stands allowed in aisles.
  14. Any exhibitor who neglects their livestock at the fair will forfeit premiums, prize money, and sale money. Also, they will be barred from the goat show one or more years.
  15. All judges will be hired by the Senior Fair Board and will be Qualified and Licensed ABGA or USBGA Meat Goat Judges.
  16. The Grand and Reserve Grand Market Champion animals will be slaughtered, inspected, and evaluated by ODA Officials.
  17. No prong/pinch collars may be used in showmanship classes. (They are still permitted in breeding or market classes).
  18. There will be no market goat pens cleaned until after all market goats have been loaded on the packer truck.
  19. No companion goats (buddy goats) will be allowed during the fair.

Homegrown Market Goat Show

  1. To be eligible, entries must be born from Doe owned prior to January 1st and raised at the 4-H/FFA member’s family residence or adjoining family residence (i.e., grandparents, aunt/uncle) in Fairfield County. Proof of ownership of the Doe will be in the form of registration papers, farm scrapie tag, or scrapie tag with an accompanied bill of sale.
  2. Entry must be one of the exhibitor’s Junior Fair market goat projects.
  3. The market goat selected to be shown in the Homegrown Market Goat Show will be included in the general market classes.
  4. Homegrown Market Goat Show class will be held separate – prior to general market goat show and only one goat per exhibitor will be permitted to show in this class.
  5. The top 5 places will be selected and receive an award. The Champion selected will sell 3rd in overall sale order (unless it places either Grand or Reserve Grand Champion in general market goat show).
  6. Exhibitors must complete documentation for the Homegrown Market Goat Show class by May 1st as well as take part in July Weigh-In at the fairgrounds. No exceptions. All documentation should be sent to Lisa Ruff at lruff@att.net.
  7. All entries must agree to a Market Goat Committee member entering their barn/housing unit for visual inspection of animals. Failure to do so will lead to immediate disqualification.  (Not all exhibitors will be visited each year. A random selection will be made to ensure all entries are honoring their intent).

Meat/Market Goat Showmanship

Showmanship will be divided into the following divisions, I (Ages 15‑18); II (Ages 13-14); III (Ages 11-12); IV (Ages 9-10); V (Beginner, First year goat exhibitor under age 11).

  1. Showmanship sign up is to be completed with your fair entries for each species you plan to participate in.  Please look for the Department, Book and Class number in each species and include it as a Fair entry by the August 27 deadline. Everyone is encouraged to sign up for showmanship along with your Jr Fair entries.
  2. Rules and conditions apply to all divisions.
  3. All ages are as of January 1 of the current year.
  4. Each exhibitor must show their own animal in showmanship that they have entered as their individual fair entry.
  5. The Senior Showmanship winner will participate in the Super Showmanship Contest. An exhibitor can compete only once in Super Showmanship representing Meat/Market Goats. If the Senior Showmanship winner has already participated in the Super Showmanship Contest representing Meat/Market Goats, the next highest placing Senior Showmanship participant who has not competed in Super Showmanship representing Meat/Market Goats will compete in the contest.

Rate of Gain Contest

  1. The actual rate of gain will be calculated by subtracting the beginning weight at Tattoo/Tag in time from the final weigh-in time and dividing by the number of days from the initial weigh-in to the final weigh-in at the fair.
  2. All Market Goats that are weighed at the Tattoo/Tag in July and checked in at fair time are eligible for the Rate of Gain Contest. Any goat weighed in earlier/later than set date in July will be disqualified from the Rate of Gain Contest.
  3. To be eligible for Rate of Gain Awards, the Market Goat must be exhibited and shown at the Fairfield County Fair.
  4. Awards will be given to the top Five Market Goats according to the criteria listed above.

Meat/Market Goat Premier Exhibitor

Information will be posted on this site September 1st, 2021.

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