Breeding Rabbit Registration: Saturday, October 9, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Rabbit Barn
Market Rabbit Weigh-In: Saturday, October 9, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. #50 Building
Market Rabbit Exhibitor Meeting: Saturday, October 9, 1:00 p.m. Ed Sands/FB Building
Back Tags Can Be Picked Up Saturday October 9, from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena, or at the Junior Fair Office during normal business hours
Sign Up for Showmanship: Must be completed with your entries by August 27
Market Rabbit Show: Wednesday, October 13, 8:30 a.m. Ed Sands/FB Building
Showmanship: Wednesday, October 13, 12:30 p.m. Ed Sands/FB Building
Breeding Rabbit Show: Thursday, October 14, 10:00 a.m. Ed Sands/FB Building PLEASE NOTE UPDATED TIME 9/20/21
Superintendent in Charge: Greg Coulter
Assistant Superintendent: Kim Root
Assistant Superintendent: Tom Bobbitt
Assistant Superintendent: Nannette Spires
NOTE: The fair entry and showmanship sign-up procedure has changed. Deadline for all entries including showmanship is August 27, 2021.
MARKET RABBIT IDENTIFICATION: Only market rabbits being entered into the Homegrown classes will be tagged in September. All others will be tagged during fair check-in.
HOUSING FORMS: Junior Fair Exhibitors housing animal(s) in a location other than the property on which they reside must obtain and file a Livestock Housing Form with the Senior Fair Office. Deadline for filling out this form is the deadline set forth for possession of the animal.
QUALITY ASSURANCE: As mandated by the Ohio Department of Agriculture, each exhibitor must have attended an educational experience by August 15, 2021. Club/Chapter Quality Assurance Clinics taught by a Trained and Certified Assistant Instructor, or the Countywide Make-up Clinics are required for exhibitors to meet this requirement. The 4-H Youth Development Educators at OSU Extension can provide locations of workshops provided in our county.
SKILLATHON: Each exhibitor must participate in a Skillathon. You are encouraged to attend the species you are exhibiting. If you plan to be involved in premier exhibitor for rabbits, you must complete the Rabbit Skillathon at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds on September 11th to be eligible.
HEALTH PAPERS are not required.
ENTRIES: Exhibitors may enter up to 4* different classes. Animals of different breeds or sex are of different classes. An exhibitor may enter a maximum of 2* breeding classes. An exhibitor may also enter a maximum of 2 market classes, one as a pen of two fryer OR homegrown fryers and one as a pen of two roaster OR homegrown roaster. (*An exhibitor with 3 or more years showing rabbits will be able to enter 3 entries in the breeding show and 2 entries in the market show). No rabbit may be shown in more than one breeding or market class. Exhibitors are responsible to confirm their class entries are correct and report any discrepancies to the Rabbit Committee during check-in on Saturday. Any class changes must be made by 1:00 p.m. Saturday.
SHOWMANSHIP SIGN-UP: Entries are submitted through Department 200, Book 116 (Breeding and Market Rabbit Showmanship); be sure to include your Showmanship Class number that can be found in 4-H/FFA Livestock Showmanship; Department 200.
ARRIVAL TIME: All rabbits market and breeding are due to the fairgrounds by 12:00 p.m. Saturday.
WEIGH-IN: Market only – 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Saturday, October 9. One exhibitor can only bring a maximum of 4 rabbits to weigh-in. The Breeding Rabbit Barn will be closed during this time (this includes feeding of animals). If rabbit does not make weight, they may be removed from the fairgrounds at the time of weigh-in, but no grade will be awarded OR you may keep rabbits at the fair and show the pair of rabbits in the Market Rabbit Show for grade only. If a rabbit pair weighs less than 7.00 pounds, you may choose to show for grade only and no placing. That pair will be sold to the packer for packer bid only. If an over/under rabbit pair weighs 7.00 pounds or more, you may show for a grade.
MIXED BREED & CROSSBRED show with PET RABBITS: See Department 119 – 4-H Companion Animals.
MARKET CLASSES: This is a Non-Terminal show. See ODA Rule 901-19-01 BB. Also see the new sale participation rule adopted by the Sr. Fair Board for the 2021 sale that can be found linked here.
MARKET RABBIT SALE: Immediately following the 11:00 a.m. Market Lamb Sale on Friday, Feeder Creek Vet Show Arena. (Exhibitors selling rabbits individually must report with their rabbits by 11:30 a.m.). All exhibitors who placed in the show must report to the sale. All rabbits that made weight at weigh-in will be sold either individually or in groups at the livestock sale on the Friday of the fair.
RELEASE TIME: Breeding Rabbit Barn – after 12:00 p.m. and before 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. All rabbits left in the barn after the close of the fair on Saturday will be considered abandoned and will be removed from the barn unless prior arrangements have been made with the Rabbit Superintendent by the exhibitor or family of the exhibitor. Breeding exhibitors must clean trays and feed and water dishes out by 7:00 p.m. Abandonment and/or failure to clean trays and dishes will result in suspension from future shows. Market Exhibitors: If market pairs are not sold or are returned to the exhibitor by the buyer, these rabbits must be removed from the fairgrounds immediately following the end of the sale on Friday. All locks should be removed from pens immediately following the sale. Market exhibitors must have their trays cleaned completely out by 5:00 p.m. and placed on top of the pens upside down. Market exhibitors must also wash feed and water dishes and place in boxes by Superintendent’s table. Market rabbit champion pairs that are being returned to the exhibitor must remain in the champion pens until the Saturday release time. No animals will be removed from the fairgrounds prior to the stated release time without approval from the Junior Fair Director or Senior Fair Board. Any exhibitor violating this rule will be barred from exhibiting that particular specie the following year.
LIVESTOCK SALE EXHIBITOR’S CHECKS: Exhibitors must submit a stamped thank you note to their advisor prior to November 1st. Advisors will be required to mail thank-you notes and maintain their buyer checklist in order to receive the exhibitor’s checks.
4 H/FFA Rabbits; Department 116 Breeding Rabbits
PREMIUMS: “A” = $2.00 “B” = $1.25 “C” = $.75
In order to designate the Book of your breeding rabbit entry, identify the breed of your rabbit by using this ARBA site:
Breeding Rabbit Classes
- Breeding Buck
- Breeding Doe
- Junior Breeding Buck (4 to 6 months of age)* See Junior Age Class Breeding Rules
- Junior Breeding Doe (4 to 6 months of age)* See Junior Age Class Breeding Rules
4 H/FFA Rabbits; Department 117, Market Rabbits Book 1
PREMIUMS: “A” = $2.00 “B” = $1.25 “C” = $.75
- MARKET RABBITS – (1 entry = pen of 2 rabbits). If an exhibitor is entering 1 pair of Market Rabbits, only enter the class once. If an exhibitor plans to enter two pairs of Market Rabbits, you must enter class twice.
- HOMEGROWN MARKET RABBITS – (1 entry = pen of 2 rabbits). If an exhibitor is entering 1 pair of Homegrown Market Rabbits, only enter the class once. If an exhibitor plans to enter two pairs of Homegrown Market Rabbits, you must enter the class twice.
- FRYERS: Total pen weight is determined at weigh-in on Saturday.
7.00 to 10.50 pounds total pen weight (suggested each rabbit within the pair to weigh 3.50 to 5.25 pounds at weigh-in) - ROASTERS: Total pen weight is determined at weigh-in on Saturday.
10.51 to 15.00 pounds total pen weight (suggested each rabbit within the pair to weigh 5.25 to 7.50 pounds at weigh-in)
- FRYERS: Total pen weight is determined at weigh-in on Saturday.
General Rules
- Exhibitors who neglect their rabbits during the fair or abandon them at the end of the fair will forfeit all premiums, prize money and sale money. They will be barred from the Rabbit Show at the fair for one or more years. Neglect will be determined by the Rabbit Superintendents.
- No one without an assigned task shall be permitted in the show arena with the exception of photos during awards.
- Breeding rabbits must be in the members possession by July 1st of the current year.
- All animals exhibited must have been completely and fully owned (as evidenced by a bill of sale or registration papers) and in the complete possession and continual care of the exhibitor on and after the designated date. (Breeding – July 1, Market – by weigh-in/tattooing in September).
- Rabbit exhibitors may be disqualified if any straw, hay, or any other organic bedding is used. A resting board is allowed.
- If a rabbit is removed prior to the stated release time, that exhibitor will be banned from showing rabbits the next year.
- An exhibitor may have one breeding entry per class.
- Exhibitors who have completed two years of showing rabbits at previous Fairfield County Fairs have the option of showing their third year with EITHER a Junior Entry (see information below) OR an additional Senior Entry, which is a different breed than the other Doe/Buck entered. (I.E. #1: If the exhibitor is showing a buck and a doe of the same breed, such as a Polish buck and a Polish doe, the third rabbit must be of another breed that is different than a Polish. I.E. #2: If the exhibitor is showing a Polish buck and a Mini Lop doe, the third rabbit must either be from a third breed of rabbit, or a Polish doe, or a Mini Lop buck. It cannot be in the same class as the first two breeds of rabbits.)
- Exhibitors must keep name tags on their pens. Do not remove them.
Junior Age Class Breeding Rules
- A Junior rabbit is an animal that is defined pure breed by A.R.B.A. standards as 4-6 months of age.
- The Junior Age Rabbit class is reserved for an exhibitor that is at least a 3rd year rabbit showman. Exhibitors who have completed two years of showing rabbits at previous Fairfield County Fairs may show a junior rabbit their third year. The breed of their Junior Rabbit must be the same breed as one of their senior rabbits. This entry will be cancelled if it is not one of these breeds. This is an advanced project for an exhibitor to take once they have bred their own stock, with the intention to show the offspring from the exhibitor’s own doe and own buck. The amount of breeds will dictate the number of classes that are created and will be showed at the end of the original show.
- Junior Rabbits can only be shown after the other 2 breeding entries have been entered and shown. The junior rabbit entry will be eliminated from the show order if the exhibitor does not have 2 other registered entries at the fair and will not show..
- Exhibitors must have entered 2 entries in the breeding class to enter in a Junior Class. Breed class is defined as either: 2 does of different breeds, 2 bucks of different breeds, or a buck and a doe of any breed including the same breed. Exhibitors may then enter a Junior rabbit as a third entry.
- The Junior rabbit must be of the same breed as one of the other 2 breed entries. Example: If an exhibitor enters 2 New Zealand rabbits, the Junior entry must be a New Zealand. If the breeding entries are 2 different breeds such as Standard Rex and a Satin Breed, the Junior entry must be a Standard Rex or Satin. No other breed will be accepted. If an exhibitor does not enter 3 rabbits, than the first 2 will be entered into the breeding classes and they will not qualify for the Junior class.
Market Rules
- Market rabbits must be in the member’s possession by the second Friday of September of the current year.
- Underweight and overweight pen of 2 market rabbits will be permitted to be shown and receive a grade for their project. All rabbit pairs weighing less than 7.00 pounds will go direct to the packer.
- Pen weight will determine the class (fryers or roasters) that market rabbits are entered into.
- Homegrown market rabbits will be tagged on the second Saturday of September by the Fairfield County Junior Fair Rabbit Committee at the Fairgrounds. Homegrown market rabbits cannot be tattooed by family. Market rabbits will be weighed at the fair and the tag on the ear will be used as identification.
- If a pen receives 1st through 10th place, the exhibitor is required to sell the animal in the livestock auction.
- Fryer pens placing 1st through 10th may be sold individually at the livestock auction according to ODA Rule 901-19-01 Y.
- Homegrown Fryer pens placing 1st through 10th may be sold individually at the livestock auction according to ODA Rule 901-19-01 Y.
- Roaster pens of two placing 1st through 10th may be sold individually at the livestock auction according to ODA Rule 901-19-01 Y.
- Homegrown Roaster pens placing 1st through 10th may be sold individually at the livestock auction according to ODA Rule 901-19-01 Y.
- All other eligible market rabbits to be sold may be sold in groups at the livestock auction according to ODA Rule 901-19-01 Y.
- Exhibitors entering the market class twice are doing so with the intention of entering one pair of fryers or homegrown fryers and one pair of roasters or homegrown roasters.
- For exhibitors weighing two market entries, the first pen weighed will be placed into the appropriate class and the other pen will default into the opposite class, and must make weight for that class to be eligible to show or they will be placed in over/under class 0.
- Rabbits will be shipped to the packer on Saturday morning. Any rabbits remaining in the market barn after 9:00 p.m. Friday shall belong to the packer.
- No additional rabbits may be sold to the packer on the fairgrounds.
- Exhibitors competing in the Homegrown Fryer and Roaster Classes must own both the sire (buck) and dam (doe) and have bred their own litter. These adult rabbits must be bred by the exhibitor, and these offspring are then brought to the fair.
- Exhibitors competing in the Homegrown Market Fryer and Roaster Class must fill out an intent form (signed by exhibitor, parent, and advisor) by May 1st stating they are planning to raise their own litter and enter in the class. If the litter does not come, the exhibitor will still be able to purchase a pair for the other class (Fryer or Roaster) by the second Friday of September. See also Rule #19.
- The birth date of the Homegrown Rabbit litter should be no later than August 1st. This litter should be available for inspection by August 10th by a member of the Rabbit Committee or Junior Fair Coordinator. (Not all exhibitors will be visited in a given year; a random, countywide sweep will be made to ensure all exhibitors are honoring their intent).
- If the Homegrown Rabbits are not owned by the exhibitor, s/he may be excused from exhibiting in the Market Class Show for that year.
- Exhibitors are only able to enter in 1 Market Fryer and 1 Market Roaster Class during the fair registration in August.
- Market rabbits are ineligible to be shown as a breed rabbit unless your market pair has been found to be underweight and is your ONLY project. Then this rabbit may be placed in the proper breed class to receive a grade. Lightweight pens are: 1) When 1 rabbit weighs at least 3.60 pounds and the 2nd rabbit weighs under 3.35 pounds; 2) When you lose 1 rabbit and only have 1 rabbit to show.
Rabbit Showmanship
The contest will be conducted in the following divisions: I – Senior (Ages 17‑18); II – (Age 16); III – (Age 15); IV – (Age 14); V – (Age 13); VI – (Age 12); VII – (Age 11); VIII – (Age 10), IX – (Age 9), and X – (Age 8).
NOTE: Showmanship sign up is to be completed with your fair entries for each species you plan to participate in. Please look for the Department, Book and Class number in each species and include it as a Fair entry by the August 27 deadline. Everyone is encouraged to sign up for showmanship along with your Jr Fair entries.
- All ages are as of January 1st of the current year.
- Rules and conditions apply to all divisions.
- Each contestant must show their own animal, but during the course of the contest may be asked to show another animal.
- All animals used in the showmanship contest MUST also be registered for the show in a market or breeding class.
- The Senior Showmanship winner will participate in the Super Showmanship Contest. An exhibitor can compete only once in the Super Showmanship Contest representing rabbits. If the senior showmanship winner has already participated in the Super Showmanship Contest, the highest placing senior showmanship winner who has not competed in Super Showmanship will compete in the contest.
- Rabbit Showman of Showmen is open to all Rabbit Showmanship division winners and all previous Junior Fair Showmanship winners from the past three years. (All participants must still be current Junior Fair Exhibitors).
Rabbit Premier Exhibitor
Information will be added to this page by September 1st.