4 H/FFA Pygmy Goat: Department 112

4‑H/FFA Pygmy Goat: Round Cattle Barn – Monday, October 11, 10:00 a.m.  PLEASE NOTE UPDATED TIME 9/20/21

Superintendent in Charge: Treba Stevens
Assistant Superintendent: Heather Friend
Assistant Superintendent: Brittany Baker
Assistant Superintendent: Nathan Friend

NOTE: The fair entry and showmanship sign-up procedure has changed. Deadline for all entries including showmanship is August 27, 2021.

HOUSING FORMS: Junior Fair Exhibitors housing animal(s) in a location other than the property on which they reside must obtain and file a Livestock Housing Form with the Senior Fair Office. Deadline for filling out this form is the deadline set forth for possession of the animal.

QUALITY ASSURANCE: As mandated by the Ohio Department of Agriculture, each exhibitor must have attended an educational experience by August 15, 2021. Club/Chapter Quality Assurance Clinics taught by a Trained and Certified Assistant Instructor, or the Countywide Make-up Clinics are required for exhibitors to meet this requirement. The 4-H Youth Development Educators at OSU Extension can provide locations of workshops provided in our county.

SKILLATHON: Each exhibitor must participate in a Skillathon. You are encouraged to attend the species you are exhibiting. If you plan to be involved in premier exhibitor for pygmy goat, you must complete the Pygmy Goat Skillathon at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds on September 12th to be eligible.

HEALTH PAPERS are not required except for a valid and current Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF) for milking animals.

ENTRIES: Exhibitors may enter no more than one entry per class and no more than 3 total (not to exceed 7 entries in Department 109-Dairy Goats, Department 110-Breeding Meat Does, Department 111 -Market Goats, and Department 112-Pygmy Goats).

SHOWMANSHIP SIGN-UP: Entries are submitted through Department 200, Book 112 (Pygmy Goat Showmanship); be sure to include your Showmanship Class number that can be found in 4-H/FFA Livestock Showmanship; Department 200.

ARRIVAL TIME: Before unloading at the fairgrounds, the animal’s tattoo or tag must be checked with the animal’s paperwork by the appropriate Show Committee personnel, to comply with USDA Scrapie Regulation. Check-in time is Saturday, October 9th from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

RELEASE TIME: 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Saturday. No animals will be removed from the fairgrounds prior to the stated release time without approval from the Junior Fair Director or Senior Fair Board. Any exhibitor violating this rule will be barred from exhibiting that particular specie the following year.

Junior Fair Goat Exhibitors in NON-MARKET classes

  1. The 4-H/FFA exhibitors can buy a doe or wether that has the required official USDA identification. This is legal to show at the Fairfield County Fair. The doe/wether must have USDA identification before arrival to the fairgrounds. Either the buyer or seller must make sure the animal has official USDA identification, best if it is the seller. NOTE: Legible registration tattoos/microchips may be used in place of the official USDA identification to identify registered pygmy goats when the animal is accompanied by their original registration certificate listing the identification number (copies are not acceptable). Exhibitors of microchip animals must provide a reader for verification.
  2. The 4-H/FFA exhibitors must be sure that the animal has an official USDA identification unless the animal is registered. They may get their own tags or tattooing or have their veterinarian do it. (For more information call the Ohio APHIS Dept. at 614-856-4735).
  3. Remember that Federal Law prohibits removing the official USDA identification from any animal, but any animal can have more than one official USDA identification.


4 H/FFA Pygmy Goat; Department 112, Book 1
PREMIUMS:       “A” = $4.50         “B” = $3.50         “C” = $2.50

Pygmy Goat Classes:

  1. Wethers under 6 months
  2. Wethers 6-12 months
  3. Wethers 12-24 months
  4. Wethers over 2 years to under 3 years
  5. Wethers 3 years and over
  6. Junior Does under 6 months (unfreshened)
  7. Junior Does 6-12 months (unfreshened)
  8. Junior Does 12-24 months (unfreshened)
  9. Senior Does over 24 months (unfreshened)
  10. Senior Does 12-24 months & older (freshened)
  11. Senior Does 2-3 years (freshened)
  12. Senior Does over 3 years (freshened)


Special Rules:

  1. Pygmies may or may not be dehorned.
  2. All animals must show no evidence of superficial abscesses (Caseous Lymphadenitis), sore mouth or foot rot.
  3. All animals should be vaccinated (CD&T) and dewormed.
  4. All animals exhibited must be in complete possession and fully owned (as evidence of bill of sale stating date of purchase and scapie tag number or if registered, by transferred registration paper (s) into exhibitor or family name) by July 1st. NO LEASING OF ANIMALS PERMITTED.
  5. No bucks or stags.
  6. Straw or shavings may be used for bedding.
  7. Any exhibitor who neglects their livestock at the fair will forfeit premiums and will be barred from the goat show one or more years.
  8. All judges in the Goat Show will be hired by the Senior Fair Board. All judges will be Qualified and will follow NPGA guidelines.
  9. Any class including showmanship that exceeds 15 animals will have a mandatory split with separate heats or equal numbers with the top five of each heat returning to the show ring to determine the class winners.
  10. Nigerian Dwarfs, Angoras, and any other non-Pygmy Goat will show in a class in the Dairy Goat Book-6.

Pygmy Goat Showmanship

Showmanship will be divided into the following divisions, I (Ages 15‑18); II (Ages 13-14); III (Ages 11-12); IV (Ages 9-10); V (Beginner, first year goat exhibitor under age 11); VI Showman of Showmen (Winners of all divisions for the current year and the previous year who are still Junior Fair Goat exhibitors).

  1. Showmanship sign up is to be completed with your fair entries for each species you plan to participate in.  Please look for the Department, Book and Class number in each species and include it as a Fair entry by the August 27 deadline. Everyone is encouraged to sign up for showmanship along with your Jr Fair entries.
  2. Rules and conditions apply to all divisions.
  3. All ages are as of January 1st of the current year.
  4. All previous yearnshowmanship winners and current showmanship winners may compete in the “Showman of Showmen” contest (Must be a current Junior Fair  Exhibitor).
  5. Each exhibitor must show their own animal in showmanship that they have entered as their individual fair entry.
  6. The senior showmanship winner will participate in the Super Showmanship Contest. An exhibitor can compete only once in the Super Showmanship contest representing pygmy goats.  If the senior showmanship winner has already participated in the Super Showmanship Contest, the highest placing senior showmanship winner who has not competed in Super Showmanship will compete in the contest.

Pygmy Goat Premier Exhibitor

Information will be posted on this site September 1st, 2021.



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