Pet Rabbit Show: #50 Show Arena – Sunday, October 10, 10:00 a.m.
Cavies & Amphibians, Birds & Reptiles Show: #50 Show Arena-Sunday, Oct. 10, 11:30 a.m.
Cat Show: #50 Show Arena – Sunday, October 10, 1:00 p.m.
Rodents & Ferrets Show: #50 Show Arena – Sunday, October 10, 1:30 p.m.
Superintendent in Charge: Laura Wall
Assistant Superintendent: Jo Binkley
Assistant Superintendent: Julia Miller
Assistant Superintendent: Brenda Stepp
4-H Classes (Ages as of January 1st)
PREMIUMS for all classes: “A” = $2.00 “B” = $1.50 “C” = $0.75
Health papers are not required for rodents, other small creatures, cavies, crossbred & pet rabbits. See cat health requirements below. NOTE: Potbelly Pig Projects are not to be brought to the fairgrounds and are judged by interview process only. They are not permitted to exhibit based on current health rules.
4-H Companion Animals; Department 119
Book 1 – Pet Rabbits
PET RABBITS (Project 227) This also includes Mixed Breed or Crossbred Rabbits
Class 1. Pet Rabbit-Ages 8-11
Class 2. Pet Rabbit-Ages 12-14
Class 3. Pet Rabbit-Ages 15-18
ENTRY: One pet, 1/2 size educational poster display (poster display not to exceed 14” x 22”), and project book. Pet Rabbit Project Books MUST accompany the exhibitor to Companion Animal Project Judging.
HOUSING: Not housed at the fair and should be brought on show day only. Pet Rabbit exhibitors will not be eligible to participate with this rabbit in any other rabbit show classes.
GRADE: Based on cumulative point total composed of project knowledge and records (care of animal, knowledge of exhibitor, handling ability, and project book.) Interview and display (1/2 size educational poster display) Exhibitors not following the educational poster display size restrictions will automatically lose 5 points.
Book 2 – Amphibians, Birds & Reptiles
AMPHIBIANS, BIRDS, & REPTILES (caged birds, iguanas, snakes, hermit crabs, turtles, etc.) (Projects 220.21, 365.13)
Class 1. Amphibians, Birds, & Reptiles
ENTRY: One pet, 1/2 size educational poster display (poster display not to exceed 14” x 22”), and project book.
HOUSING: Not housed at the fair and should be brought on show day.
GRADE: Based on cumulative point total composed of project knowledge and records (care of animal, knowledge of exhibitor, handling ability, and project book.) Interview and display (1/2 size educational poster display) Exhibitors not following the educational poster display size restrictions will automatically lose 5 points.
Book 3 Cavy (Project 215)
Class 1. Cavy – Ages 8-11
Class 2. Cavy – Ages 12-14
Class 3. Cavy – Ages 15-18
ENTRY: Consist of 1 or 2 animals per class and project book.
HOUSING: Not housed at the fair and should be brought on show day only.
SHOWMANSHIP: The winner of class 3 goes to Super Showmanship Contest. If the winner has already participated in the Super Showmanship Contest, the next highest placing showmanship winner who has not competed in the Super Showmanship Contest will compete in the contest. An exhibitor can compete only once in the Super Showmanship Contest representing cavy.
GRADE: Based on cumulative point total composed of interview and project book (care of animal, knowledge of exhibitor, and project book), Animal (quality and condition of animal as compared to breed standards), and showmanship (use of proper showing techniques and handling of animal) – Please note: this section is specific to cavy and not identical to other species grade section.
Book 4 – Cats (Projects 216, 217, 218)
Class 1. Cat 1- Ages 8-11
Class 2. Cat 1- Ages 12-14
Class 3. Cat 1- Ages 15-18
Class 4. Cat 2
Class 5. Cat 3
ENTRY: Cat 1: One cat or 1/2 size educational poster display (poster display not to exceed 14” x 22”), and project book. Cat 2 & 3: One cat, 1/2 size educational poster display (poster display not to exceed 14” x 22”), and project book.
HOUSING: Not housed at the fair and should be brought on show day.
GRADE: Based on cumulative point total composed of project knowledge and records (care of animal, knowledge of exhibitor, handling ability, and project book.) Interview and display (1/2 size educational poster display) Exhibitors not following the educational poster display size restrictions will automatically lose 5 points.
HEALTH PAPERS: (Bring to judging) – Cats exhibited must be a minimum of 15 weeks of age before the day of show. Kittens less than 15 weeks old are not permitted on the fairgrounds. All cats participating in the Fairfield County Junior Fair must be immunized against Feline Panleukopenia (FPL), Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR), Feline Calcivirus (FCV), Feline Pneumonitis-Chamydia (FPN), Feline Leukemia (FeLV), and Rabies. All vaccinations must be current through October 31 (current year) and given by a licensed, accredited veterinarian. Proof of vaccinations must be on an official ODA Health Certificate or the 2021 Certificate of Vaccination for the Fairfield County Junior Fair Companion Animals, & signed by a licensed, accredited veterinarian.
Book 5 – Rodents & Ferrets (ferrets, mouse, rat, gerbil, hamster, chinchilla, hedgehog, etc.) (Projects 220, 365.01)
Class 1. Rodents and Ferrets-Ages 8-13
Class 2. Rodents and Ferrets-Ages 14-18
ENTRY: One pet, 1/2 size educational poster display (poster display not to exceed 14” x 22”), and project book.
HOUSING: Not housed at the fair and should be brought on show day.
GRADE: Based on cumulative point total composed of project knowledge and records (care of animal, knowledge of exhibitor, handling ability, and project book.) Interview and display (1/2 size educational poster display) Exhibitors not following the educational poster display size restrictions will automatically lose 5 points.
HEALTH PAPERS: (Ferrets Only & Bring to Judging): Ferrets must be a minimum of 12 weeks old before the day of show & must be vaccinated for Rabies & Canine Distemper. All vaccinations must be current through October 8, (current year) and given by a licensed, accredited veterinarian. Proof of vaccination must be on an official ODA Health Certificate or the 2021 Certificate of Vaccination for the Fairfield County Junior Fair Companion Animals, and signed by a licensed, accredited veterinarian. (Bring to judging).
Book 6 – PetPALS (Project 230)
Class 1. 4-H PetPALS
ENTRY: One pet and project book.
HOUSING: Not housed at the fair and should be brought on show day.
GRADE: Based on care of animal, knowledge of exhibitor, handling ability and project book.
GENERAL INFO: This class is for 4-H members enrolled in the 4-H PetPALS project and in the appropriate companion animal project with their 4-H PetPALS animal. Youth showing in the 4-H PetPALS class may show the same or different project animal(s) in other classes provided they meet those classes’ eligibility requirements. All exhibitors with companion animal passing all 9 exercises, plus exhibitor’s and animal’s appearance and sportsmanship, will receive a gold medal; companion animals passing 6-8 exercises will receive a silver medal; and companion animals passing less than 5 exercises will receive a bronze medal. This class will follow the Ohio State 4-H Companion Animal Program recommendations. Youth must be enrolled in BOTH the appropriate companion animal project AND the 4-H PetPALS Project No. 230 to be eligible to enter the 4-H PetPALS class.