Market & MQP lamb tagging and weigh-in is July 16, 2022; Schedule your time!

Schedule a time today for having your market lamb tagged for the Fair.

After experiencing a largely successful “scheduled” tag-in for the market and MQP lambs in 2021, that process will be implemented again in 2022.

Youth who plan to tag-in market lambs for the ‘live’ show at the Fair in October, and/or weigh in lambs for the Muscle Quality & Performance (MQP) contest are asked to complete a brief survey on or before July 2 in preparation for this year’s July 16 tagging day. The on-line survey will ask each family with any 4-H or FFA members planning to exhibit market or MQP lambs in 2022 for the following information:

  • Family Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Number of lambs being tagged by the entire family
  • Scrapie tag number for each lamb
  • Ewe or Wether
  • List each immediate family member (youth), including their club or chapter, who might show the lambs being tagged
  • Where will the lambs be housed
  • Select a time for tagging/weighing between 8 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. on July 16, 2022

Note that for 2022 there is a tagging rule update. As defined by Jr. Fair Director Chuck Miller that rule update is:

  • All market animals will be group (family tagged) and any member of the family can show any animal tagged.
  • “Family” means the immediate family of an exhibitor, including exhibitor’s parents, stepparent, foster parent, grandparent, step grandparent, foster grandparent, brother/sister, son daughter, stepson, step daughter, or guardian. As defined in Ohio Administrative Code 901-19-01.
  • Additional details will be shared and updated in the 2022 Junior Fair Book.
  • No tagging will be performed after the designated tag-in day except as listed in Rule 23 of the General Rules.

Specifically, the step-by-step process for scheduling a time to tag and/or weigh lambs includes . . .

1) The deadline for ownership and possession of a market lamb project in Fairfield County remains July 1.

2) Youth/families planning to weigh/tag-in market lambs for either the live show or MQP contest for the 2022 Fair must complete an on-line survey, found linked at, by July 2, 2022 (due to the delayed release of tagging details, this deadline has been extended). Complete only one request survey per family.

3) When completing the survey you will be asked for the name of each individual lamb exhibitor in your family, the scrapie tag number for each market lamb, and you will select the time between 8 and 10:15 a.m. that you will arrive at the Fairgrounds with your lamb(s) for tagging on July 16.

This process is similar to what was employed for market beef tagging back in March and for market/MQP lambs in 2021. That process proved to be most efficient for the volunteers while they accomplished check-in, and also minimized the time livestock were required to wait in line while on livestock trailers.

For more information on tagging and weighing market or MQP lambs for the 2022 Fairfield County Fair, contact Junior Fair Director Chuck Miller at: