STEP 1: Users can find FARM at Here is the opening screen:
Users are presented a number of options. On the left-hand side of the screen, users will find buttons (yellow arrows) to “View as a Guest“, “Create User Profile“, and “Returning User.”
STEP 2: To begin, users may select “View as a Guest.” Users will be presented with the following screen:
This is the Field Set-up Screen. Here, users will provide the necessary information to locate and delineate the field(s) of choice.
FARM users have the option to select “By Address” or “By Coordinates,” and must provide a name for the field(s), enter the address(es) (or latitude and longitude coordinates), then select “Search” (blue arrow).
Another options is to select the “Use GPS” button (blue arrow) and the site will detect the user’s current location (if enabled) and zoom into the area of interest. Finally, clients can zoom into their area of interest using their device’s normal zooming capabilities.
Note: There is a video tutorial available at the bottom of the Field Setup screen that will help users get started with FARM.
STEP 3: Once users have zoomed in and named their field, it is time to draw the boundaries to the field or pin their desired location with a marker.
To use the polygon tool, selected the polygon button (yellow arrow), click the desired number of points surrounding the field, then select finish or click on the first point that was placed. This will complete the polygon, and a blue outline will appear around the field.
To use a pinpoint location, select the marker button (blue arrow), and then click on the desired location. Once the field has been delineated, click “Save Field” (red arrow).
STEP 4: This will bring users to the FARM Dashboard.
This is the main source of information regarding precipitation forecasts, and there are several key features to point out.
- (Yellow Arrow): This provides the time for which forecast conditions are displayed. The default is the forecast nearest the current time.
- (Blue Arrow): This displays the current precipitation forecast, at the 50% chance criteria for 12 and 24 hours. Based on this information, and guided by current regulations established for the West Lake Erie Basin, a red-light/green-light icon will appear for both fertilizer and manure. These indicate where applications of these materials are either regulated by state law or not recommended as a best management practice.
- (Red Arrow): This section displays a three-day forecast for your field area, with high and low temperatures, and the overall chance of precipitation displayed below.
- (Green Arrow): A major component of FARM is the ability to pull a previous precipitation forecast. Clicking in the date box will allow you to select a previous date (back to July 2017) and time (scroll bar on the side). One you hit “Submit,” the precipitation forecast for that date and time will be displayed. To return to the current forecast, select “Current Forecast.”
- (Purple Arrows): Those desiring to add additional fields to their dashboard (up to 5 fields) may do so by selecting “Add New Field.” Repeat Steps 2 and 3 above. After completing these steps, users will be returned to their dashboard. All fields will now be displayed on your dashboard.
- Two additional features to note:
- The green/red indicator in the upper right of the screen represents the number of fields where conditions are/are not recommended for application based on the precipitation guidance near the blue arrow.
- Users may also delete or change the name of their field(s) by selecting “Edit” next to the field name.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If after setting up the field(s) as a guest, users decide that they would like to save their profile, simply return to the home screen by selecting “FARM” at the top of the screen, and following the next set of instructions below under CREATE USER PROFILE. This will take the user to the “Dashboard,” and the field(s) users delineated as a guests will now be save to their accounts. Users may then proceed to additional Field Setup (STEP 2), log out, or simply stay logged in to their account. Once logged out, users should follow the set of instructions below under RETURNING USER to access their accounts.
RECAPPING: The opening screen looks like this:
The second yellow arrow shows the option to “Create User Profile.” Selecting this option will bring up the “Sign Up Now” menu on the left.
Users need to enter a username, password (at least 8 characters using letters and numbers) and confirm, and an email address to associate with their account. The email address is necessary, and will be used to retrieve a lost password, and if desired, receive a daily brief of all fields under the account. After entering the information, select “Next Step” and then follow STEPS 2-4 as shown above.
RECAPPING: The opening screen looks like this:
Users can select “Returning User” indicated by the third yellow arrow or select “Sign In” above the menu. Doing so will take them straight to the FARM Dashboard if they have already delineated their field(s) or to STEP 2 above if they have not yet drawn their field(s).
All users of FARM have access to a quick-view statewide condition map. This option is available at the top of the opening screen (yellow arrow).
After selecting “Statewide Condition Map,” users will be taken to the follow screen.
First note the “Application alerts” section (yellow arrow). Here, users can select the type of application (currently fertilizer and manure) of interest and the map will display whether forecast precipitation conditions are within (areas will not be highlighted) or exceeds (areas will be highlighted in red) recommended limits based on best management practices (red arrow). Again, these limits are based on the Maumee River Basin policy currently in place (50% chance of precipitation thresholds).
Note the time period is displayed below each selection, and users can view this map for fertilizer (current 12 hour forecast and subsequent 12 hour forecast) and manure (current 24 hour forecast and subsequent 24 hour forecast).
Finally, users may zoom in and out on their areas of interest using their mouse of the ‘+/-‘ sign in the upper left corner of the map.
Users may also wish to know the total forecast precipitation at 50% chance for the entire region. Users may select “Precipitation forecasts,” while will lead to the following screen:
Note the time period is displayed below each selection (yellow arrow). Forecast precipitation totals are displayed for the next 12 hour, 24 hour, or the subsequent 24 hour periods. The scale is indicated by the green arrow, and users need only mouse over the color bar to see the forecast precipitation amounts.
As with the “Application Alerts,” users may zoom in and out on their areas of interest using their mouse of the ‘+/-‘ sign in the upper left corner of the map