Early Seed Starting

– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County OSU Extension

Gardeners eager to get started growing things before our frost-free date can strategically start many cool-season crops outside after April 1st and many warm-season crops inside now. Remember that if you plant warm-season crops outdoors prior to May 21, you will need to be prepared to cover them if temperatures dip below freezing. Now is the time to plan your garden plots and start to acquire seed!

Here are some ideas of seeds you can start outdoors in March:

Chart provided courtesy of Athens County OSU Extension.

Here are some ideas of seeds you can start outdoors in April:

Chart provided courtesy of Athens County OSU Extension.

As you think about your garden design, measure the space you have to work with, determine the space requirements needed for the plants you want to grow, and do a soil test.

EDITOR’s NOTE: For more information and detail about gardening, visit Gardening 101 linked above.