The Summer 2023 Master Gardener Newsletter is here!

The Ag Center on planting day!

In this issue:

  • OSU’s Pollinator Research project
  • A Message from our MG Coordinator
  • Rain garden classes offered
  • MG project updates (Ag Center, Wagnalls, Learning Never Ends, Georgian Museum, Sherman House, Fairgrounds entrance)
  • Upcoming MG Training
  • New MG project at Auditor’s Office
  • State-wide increase in ticks
  • Developing a watering plan
  • Black Knot Fungus
  • Garden Destinations: Pittsburgh’s gardens, South Florida highlights using Franklin Park membership
  • Featured Book: Garden-pedia by Pamela Bennett & Maria Zampini
  • Did You Know? Hardpan & double digging
  • Food Preservation series
  • In/Around the Garden

Find it in PDF linked here.