Unwelcome Company

– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County OSU Extension

Some mice are more tolerable than others!

If you are opening your home for company this Thanksgiving, you are probably doing some tidying up and rearranging in your home this week. I hope your company brings you joy and I wish you safe travels everywhere you go.

Often during these tidying up times, we find that we have had some unwelcome company visiting our homes as the weather gets cooler.

The moment of alarm and disgust when you discover that a rodent has been visiting your living space is fairly common in the month of November. Even if you have a brand-new home and are an immaculate housekeeper, rodents may still find a way to sneak inside and Continue reading Unwelcome Company

Don’t Let Your Pumpkins Go to Waste

– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County OSU Extension

Old pumpkins never go to waste!

Pumpkins are winter squashes with a hard rind that protects their flesh and seeds inside from the elements until a critter is ready to eat it and spread the seeds. The elements are beginning to change, both weather wise and décor wise. The real pumpkins we’ve been using for decorations may not last much longer. If you are ready to swap out your pumpkins for evergreens, don’t throw them in the garbage! They still have value.

If your pumpkins are structurally sound and you have the means and determination, you can wash the rind, slice open the pumpkin, remove the seeds, and cook it! Roasted pumpkin can be used for savory or sweet recipes for meals. If prepared without additional ingredients, it can be Continue reading Don’t Let Your Pumpkins Go to Waste