It’s Pumpkin’s Time to Shine

– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County OSU Extension

The very versatile pumpkin!

Hello, October! It’s so good to see you!

Yes, I am one of those typical people that love the autumn season best compared to the other three. There are so many reasons why. I could go on and on, but I will spare you the full list. At the top though are enjoying a few of my favorite Ohio agricultural commodities that are in their prime. Corn and soybean harvest is starting, and they are huge economic drivers for the state, but it is time for apples and pumpkins to really shine! Ohio is a prominent producer of both. Don’t forget all the other beautiful and tasty squashes that are at perfection in October.

A few things to remember about pumpkins and other Continue reading It’s Pumpkin’s Time to Shine

The Fall 2023 Master Gardener Newsletter is here!

Master Gardeners have been busy!

In this issue:

  • Whether to save an evergreen
  • Connie’s Corner, A Message from our MG Coordinator
  • Wagnalls wins award
  • Lithopolis Honey Fest
  • Smeck Farm Harvest Festival
  • Ag Center scarecrow
  • MG table at Fairfield County Fair
  • Pollarding
  • Insects in the home
  • H+ummingbirds’ migration
  • Tree Ferns
  • All about Dodders
  • Holly and Yerba Mate
  • Wild Species Tulips
  • Favorite garden tool
  • Featured Book: American Home Landscapes by Denise Adams and Laura Burchfield
  • The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
  • Norfolk Botanical Gardens
  • In/Around the Garden

Find it in PDF linked here.

Let’s talk about those Hummingbird Feeders in the Fall!!

Where did Summer Go?  bye..bye..birdie!!

by Edna Wilson, Master Gardener 2017

Autumn is coming soon and the Hummingbirds (Hummers) will soon prepare for their fall migration flight back to Mexico and South America. This flight will take approximately two weeks allowing for weather, etc. Most birds will stop along the way to rest and feed. The Hummer’s flying speed averages 27 miles per hour. If the hummer is flying across the Gulf of Mexico it can take 18 to 24 hours of nonstop flying. Once a hummer leaves shore it must Continue reading Let’s talk about those Hummingbird Feeders in the Fall!!