– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County OSU Extension
Now that September is here, many people are shopping for fall mums to add to their seasonal décor. While many folks consider chrysanthemums annual plants that you buy and then throw away before winter, they are actually hardy perennial flowers that can be kept over in the garden for a period of about three years before it is recommended to rotate to another plant to reduce the pressures of insects and disease. If you are up for a little extra work to keep your chrysanthemums thriving in the garden, you may be pleasantly surprised to see them come back next growing season.
Mums can be planted essentially anytime from the beginning of spring to six weeks before frost as long as soil conditions offer enough moisture and fertility for good growth. Chrysanthemums can be started from seed, cuttings, or purchased in pots and transplanted. However, potted mums that are already flowering will likely not survive through Continue reading Caring for Chrysanthemums