Tomato Tasting Fun…

The Fairfield County Master Gardeners recently returned to a fun end of summer activity, Tomato Tasting.  The event started in 2011 at Nightcrawler Gardens  near Pleasantville.  Fast forward to our 2022 Tasting, approximately 30 different varieties were diced and tasted.  In addition, our participants learned about 10 reasons your garden plants might fail as well as a bit about food preservation and rainfall data around the County.  Today, it continues to be a fun event where we have good discussion and fellowship.    The tomato varieties deemed as the winners by the very scientific method of using pennies to vote for your favorite variety included Sun Sugar, a small hybrid cherry tomato, Pink Brandywine, a heirloom and Mountain Fresh, a disease resistant variety that is good for slicing.   Some of the other varieties our  30  participants enjoyed included Mr. Stripey and Golden Jubilee, both heirloom varieties, the Miller-a Fairfield County Favorite and Atlas, a Hybrid Beefsteak variety and  many of us got to taste ground cherries for the first time ever..thanks to C. Scott Anderson

Seed Saving Sense

– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County OSU Extension

The season for seed saving is here!

Gardeners mid-harvest of fruits and vegetables are often curious about how to save seeds from beloved plants for next year’s garden or to share with friends. In order to be a successful seed saver, there are some basic facts you need to know.

First, let’s address why seed saving is an adventitious hobby.

Strategically saving seeds allows growers to select and save plants from their home gardens that have specific traits that they value (ex: tasty flavors, appealing texture, color, size, etc). Seed saving also plays a role in preserving historically significant plant varieties through the passing of seeds from one generation to the next. Keeping novel or heirloom varieties of seed circulating helps add diversity to the populations of plants grown in our communities. It can also help gardeners save money. What may be most appealing for some growers is that seed saving can Continue reading Seed Saving Sense