Which live tree is right ‘fir’ you?

– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County, OSU Extension

There is something magical about a live evergreen tree decorated for the holidays

In my opinion, there is something magical about a live evergreen tree decorated for the holidays that simply cannot be replaced by a synthetic look-a-like. Each year, I encourage my friends, family, and clientele to support local Christmas tree farmers and embrace the traditional experience of hunting for the perfect live tree.

This year, news outlets have been reporting shortages of many holiday commodities, Christmas trees included, due to labor shortages and supply chain disruptions. While this may be an issue in various communities across the nation who rely on pre-cut trees hauled from the farm to the city, those of us who live within a short drive of a local tree farm shouldn’t have a problem finding a specimen that fits the traditional aesthetic.

Ohio tree farms can be found through the Ohio Christmas Tree Association’s Farm Finder tool, which maps all of their membership’s farms and Continue reading Which live tree is right ‘fir’ you?

Mouse in your house? You’re not alone

– Christine Gelley, OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County, Ohio

Last week I elaborated on the annoying habits of multicolored Asian lady beetles and stink bugs. Over the weekend I was given new writing inspiration about another set of annoying and more concerning pests- rodents.

Rodents are more concerning than the bugs we reviewed previously because mice and rats are known carriers of serious diseases globally. Once rodent presence has been detected in the home, action needs to be taken quickly to eliminate the extent of potential damage and contamination. In severe cases of rodent infestation, a professional exterminator should be contacted for assistance. For seasonal and sporadic occurrences, homeowners can often address the issue on their own.

The moment of alarm and disgust when you discover that a rodent has been visiting your living space is fairly common in the month of November. Even if you have a brand-new home and are an immaculate housekeeper, rodents may still find a way to sneak inside and snuggle up for the cold evenings of fall and winter.

As we did last week, let’s address the answers to two common homeowner questions about Continue reading Mouse in your house? You’re not alone

Are you getting bugged by bugs?

– Christine Gelley, OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County, Ohio

Like many other creatures, ladybugs and this brown marmorated stink bug are responding to cooling temperatures, fewer hours of sunlight, and diminishing sources of food, and moving in doors.

The theme of the past week on my radar has been all about bugs. From programs about scouting for spotted lanternfly to the annoyance of multicolored Asian lady beetles (MALB) and brown marmorated stink bugs (BMSB) crawling and flying around my house, bugs have been on my mind. I bet they’ve been on yours too.

Every year in the fall there are complaints about uninvited six-legged home invaders trying to shack up with us for the winter. From ladybugs (which are most likely multicolored lady Asian beetles, not true ladybugs), to pine seed beetles (often called stink bugs), to brown marmorated stink bugs (stocky brown stink bugs with a shield shaped back), to various other pests, homeowners are often overwhelmed by the number of invaders. They commonly reach out wanting to know where they came from and how to Continue reading Are you getting bugged by bugs?

Observing an Attitude of Gratitude

– Christine Gelley, OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County, Ohio

November is upon us. The crispness of fall is in full glory. Hay season is subsiding. Grain harvest is moving along slowly. Even if the workload on the farm slows down after harvest, we still feel rushed as daylight fades earlier and earlier each day.

Everyone I talk to is waiting for a time when life will slow down, they can take a deep breath, and feel that feeling of accomplishment that the hard work has been worth the effort. That they’ve made it to where they want to be. If only we could feel a little of that feeling every day…

Come to think of it, what’s stopping us? Maybe observing a little more of an attitude of gratitude could help us through those days when the workload is too heavy, and the world is too hard. Taking a few minutes each day to Continue reading Observing an Attitude of Gratitude