– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County, OSU Extension
In my opinion, there is something magical about a live evergreen tree decorated for the holidays that simply cannot be replaced by a synthetic look-a-like. Each year, I encourage my friends, family, and clientele to support local Christmas tree farmers and embrace the traditional experience of hunting for the perfect live tree.
This year, news outlets have been reporting shortages of many holiday commodities, Christmas trees included, due to labor shortages and supply chain disruptions. While this may be an issue in various communities across the nation who rely on pre-cut trees hauled from the farm to the city, those of us who live within a short drive of a local tree farm shouldn’t have a problem finding a specimen that fits the traditional aesthetic.
Ohio tree farms can be found through the Ohio Christmas Tree Association’s Farm Finder tool, which maps all of their membership’s farms and Continue reading Which live tree is right ‘fir’ you?