– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County OSU Extension
On a hot, sunny, day you may see your garden plants getting droopy in the summer sun and longing for a cool drink of water. As sorry as you may feel for the plants, it is better to wait to water until the heat of the day subsides. Even better yet would be to greet your plants with the morning light and offer them a drink before the day begins.
The danger of watering at the “wrong time” is leaf damage. Water droplets left on the leaves in intense sun can scald plant tissue and lead to dead patches on leaves. In turn, leaving plants with wet leaves overnight increases the risk of fungal pathogen establishment in your garden. If the method you use to water results in wet plant leaves, the best time to water is in the morning before 9 AM. Watering in the morning allows Continue reading Be Careful When You Water