Growing Mushrooms at Home

– Christine Gelley, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Noble County OSU Extension

Oyster mushrooms are one of the easiest to cultivate in a small space. Photo: Penn State

Mushrooms are a food crop that is rarely grown on a commercial scale in the United States. The leading producer of mushrooms worldwide is China. Although controlled environment mushroom production has been a practice for many years, a small number of large producers supply our grocery stores with mushrooms for culinary purposes. Specialty mushrooms used in international cuisine are often difficult to find in rural communities like ours.

With a limited shelf life and an often pricey tag, it would be nice to have more local sources of fresh mushrooms that are safe for consumption year-round to keep your food dollar local. A growing taste for more diverse menus and an emphasis on local foods have spurred the popularity of growing mushrooms on smaller scales in nearly any type of structure including the common American home.

Oyster mushrooms are among the easiest to cultivate in a small space with few inputs. I recently learned from one of my colleagues- Erika Lyon, ANR Educator for Jefferson and Harrison Counties, that you could grow oyster mushrooms in your bedroom if you wanted to. Although, I think the kitchen counter may be a more desirable place.

Oyster mushroom production will be the topic of our next Farm Talk Breakfast on Friday, October 16. These mushrooms are valued for culinary purposes and can be found in a rainbow of colors and various shapes. Erika will be our guest to teach us how we can safely grow edible mushrooms at home if we have a basic understanding of fungi.

Join us for Farm Talk Breakfast at 8:30-9:30 AM on October 16, 2020 on Zoom via internet or phone. Registration is required and can be accomplished online at or by calling the Noble County Extension Office at 740-732-5681.

Once you register, connection information will be sent by email for either web or dial-in connection. Hope to see you there!