To borrow an old baseball phrase, “you’re on deck” means you are the next person to bat against the pitcher. As yet another reminder of the pace at which time passes, it does not seem all that long ago that Ohio was “on deck” to host the 2018 NACDEP Conference.
Now that the 2017 NACDEP Conference is behind us, it is our turn to bat.
In June, 2018 (June 10-13 to be exact), Ohio State University Extension will be hosting over 250 practitioners, academics, and Extension professionals in Cleveland, Ohio to engage, learn and share how we make a difference in the communities in which we live and work.
The OSU Extension planning team has been hard at work for the last six months preparing for the conference.
Mobile learning workshops and pre-conference workshops and tours are being planned that include a trip to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (the city where rock was born), the Great Lakes Science Center, and a visit to Stone Laboratory (on Gibraltar Island) to name a few.
For our foodies we are also exploring food-related options such as a visit to a vineyard in Cleveland, a tour of the historic West Side Market, and dinner in ‘Little Italy’ where you can dine, recline, and catch up with colleagues.
Like Beer? Like local microbreweries? If so, you will enjoy learning about the Great Lakes Brewing Company and its famous Christmas Ale.
Are you ready to roll? How about a short drive to visit Cedar Point, the roller coaster capital of the world?
Still not sure if you want to come to Cleveland? Check out this video.
If you want to learn more about NACDEP 2018 contact: David Civittolo, Associate Professor and Field Specialist, Community Economics ( and NACDEP 2018 Conference Co-Chair.
I am so excited you are coming to Cleveland! There are so many awesome places to see! Love the video too!