Graphics Project Images

Original Students with iPad Photo
An image of students working on a dissection at a lab table utilizing an iPad to document their findings.

Cropped Students with iPad Photo

An image of students working on a dissection at a lab table utilizing an iPad to document their findings. Particular emphasis is on the iPad.

Word Montage to Represent Persona

An image of five words: doctorate, overwhelmed, rigorous, reluctant, and science.

Original Student Work with iPad and Microscope

An image of a mite as viewed under a compound microscope with labels for hair/cilia, debris, abdomen, intestine, legs, head, antennae, and scale bar reading approximately 0.4 millimeters.

Student work with iPad and Microscope – Removed Scale Bars

An image of a mite as viewed under a compound microscope with labels for hair/cilia, debris, abdomen, intestine, legs, head, and antennae.

Photo Montage

A photo montage with an image of students working with iPads in a biology lab (top left), a screenshot of a learning object for an online course (top right), an image of the Ohio Plants student-generated iBook cover (bottom left), and an image of students working in a lab with iPads (bottom right).