
Three Takeaways from ESLTech 2011

There are three topics that I have learned about in ESLTech that I think will be very practical in my everyday life an will help me in my program in the future. These topics include:

Trello- Trello is an online scheduling tool that allows you to make a to do list in a much more effective way. You can color code different tasks, which I did to organize tasks by by classes. You can also categorize them by to do, in progress, and finished, which is much more motivating than crossing items off of a list.

Getting Organized- The Getting Organized chapter of Introduction to Online Learning: A Guide for Students helped me to improve my studying habits. I realized that studying at home may not be the best idea unless I have a dedicated work space and that I should take frequent, small breaks, rather than a few long breaks.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals- This strategy allowed me to make big goals smaller. This strategy allowed me to focus on the tasks that I need to complete in order to complete my big goals.

Learning Strategies from ESLTech 2011

Learning strategies that I learned in this course include determining the active note taking and possibly outlines and reviewing those notes. Preparing to read online content is also important, so that you know what to look for when learning new content. These strategies were explained in Online Readings: Gaining the Most from What You Read by Ryan Watkins.

Technology from ESLTech 2011

The most useful technology presented to me in ESLTech would include:

Useful tricks for getting the most out of a search engine.

Skype, which allows people to meet virtually, which is very helpful in online courses.

And Trello, which allows you to make an extremely efficient to do list.