The Ohio State University
Second Semester Explore Columbus

Second Semester Explore Columbus

For our “Explore Columbus” adventure, my mentee, Meranda, and I went to try a relatively new ice cream shop with one other ACES mentor/mentee pair. The ice cream shop is called “Shake No Eight” and is located only a few…

Mentor/Mentee Second-Semester Interview

My mentee for the ACES 2020-2021 school year is psychology and criminology major, Meranda Coleman. We have a lot in common since we both study the same subjects, only I am minoring in criminology instead of majoring. Because we are…

First Semester Explore Columbus

First Semester Explore Columbus

On November 8, 2020 my mentee and I went to Tuttle Park located right off of North campus. We decided to go here for our explore Columbus assignment because it was only a few minute walk from my house, the…

Mentor & Mentee First-Semester Interview

During the mentorship retreat event, I met Meranda Coleman. Meranda stood out to me specifically because we clicked with our personalities, interests, and areas of study; I was excited to find out that we ended up being paired as mentor…

Artifact: Positive Psychology

Artifact: Positive Psychology

Since I was a sophomore in high school, I have been fascinated by the art of psychology. I have read a great amount on the subject and realized that psychology is simply a large tree that carries multiple branches and…

Artifact: High School Diploma

Artifact: High School Diploma

On May 19,2019, I graduated from Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. I chose this as an academic artifact that means a lot to me because after four years of hard work, I completed my adolescent journey and opened a…